Chapter 17: Car accident, Trust issues

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It was a new day starting at my house, Lucy was already at the PizzaPlex and I went home to check up on Lucas.
I felt something bad was gonna happen today, so I decided go take my first car, which was a 2018 Chevrolet Camaro SS.
I was cruzin just on the way to the PizzaPlex. Pat, Davis and Lucy were outside.
But right as I was about to pull in, a car came FLYING down the road and rammed right into my car stopping them and flipping my car upside down.
I screamed a pain.
The other person's car was half damaged, but they got out to check both cars.
Davis and Pat ripped my door off and helped me out of the car.
S: *grunts* "Careful!(x3)"
They had me laying on the ground and called 911.
L: "OMG, Sky, are you ok?!"
S: "I hope *grunts* my back and part of my arm is in major fuckin pain."
She slowly moved both arms on my chest, to give them a bit of leverage.
The ambulance showed up.
(M1, M2, and D.H is Medic 1, Medic 2, and Doctor Heartman.)
M1: "How you bud?"
S: "Uh, shitty and pissed."
M1: "I can understand the shitty. But why the pissed?"
S: "This 2018 Chevrolet Camero SS, was my first ever car, took me a whole ass year to get it."
M1: "No I see why your pissed. Well, we're gonna get you on this Medic bed. And get you to the hospital."
The driver guy walked over and said. "Omg, I'm so sorry. I didn't know how fast I was going and didn't see you."
S: "Your good mate, just watch you speed, and if your wanting to floor it. Hit up @skytbmswales on insta, and I'll let you know a good place to test your speed."
Lucy and Davis came with me while going to the hospital.
S: "Goos by car, you and your 35mill miles will be missed."
The ambulance door shut and wr drove to the hospital.
D: "Fun fact, that happened right in from of the Starmall."
S: *Small laugh* "Noice, how much damage?"
D: "I say, about 3.5k worth."
S: "Pocket change. Got it, ask Pat what tow company took my car, and tell them to take it to the Chevrolet factory."
Davis nodded.
Lucy was holding my hand.
S: "It's alright hun. I'll be alright, I've survived worse stuff than this."
M2: "So, what hurts for you?"
S: "My back, and a bit of my arm."
They did a presser test, the put some presser on my back, I just squinted my face, but when he put some presser on my arm, I did a inside mouth grunt.
M2: "There's more pain in the arm then back."
S: "Yeah, my fist has been clenched the whole time."
I slowly ajuster myself.
S: "There. More comfortable."
D: "Don't pass out."
S: *Small laugh* "I might have to, something might of happened to my arm."
We made it to the hospital and I got rushed into a room.
S: "Hope the bill ain't to expensive." *small laughter*
M2: "Ok. We're gonna do some X-ray on your arm and back."
I layed still so they could do that.
A few mins later, the pics came back.
D.H: "Hello Mr and Mrs Swales, My name is Dr. Heartman. We got the X-ray results back, and your back is just hurt, a heating pad or a massage would help it. But you arm, from your wrist half way up the arm. Is broken, unfortunately, we will have to replace it with this."
He held up and robotic looking thing, that is the same length from my wrist to half way up my arm.
S: "What is that?"
D.H: "This is a robotic computer arm, it's like a Phone bit Extremely advanced, I'll give you the manual after a the surgery."
As soon as he walked to me, everything went black.

*16 hours later*

I couldn't see anything and barely could here, I here like muffled voices.
?: "Is he ok?"
I hear a female voice, and couldn't make it out for some reason.
?.?: "He's gonna be alright, he should wake up soon."
I gain my hears a bit back, and a bit of my eye sight.
S: *tired grunting*
L: "He's waking."
D: "Give him some a bit of space, he'll need to relax before moving."
I gain a bit more of my eye sight, but I didn't have my glasses on.

: "Bloody fuckin 'ell my head."
D: "You alright mate?"
S: "Feels like I just smacked in the head with a car."
D: "I mean. You were in a car crash 16 hours ago."
S: "Damn. Right."
I look and see Lucy passed out with her head on the side of the bed, with my hand on her head.
S: "She must of cried herself to sleep."
D: "Yeah, she went a whole rant of how much she loved you. She ligit said, if you didn't make it, she would join you in the after life."
S: "Well, idk if you heard, me and Lucy got married."
D: "Oh, I didn't know that. Congrats."
I slowly moved up.
S: "Goot damn, feels like my arm has an entire anvil on it."
I look at my arm, and the device Heartman showed me was there.
D: "How you feeling Sky?"
S: "Like shit." *laughter*
D: "Fair enough."
2 guy from Task force 141 came in, it's was Price and Gaz.
S: "Oh. Hey Price."
Cpt: "Hey mate, so me Gaz along with the guards Dan and Ant. We were looking at the footage from the cameras from the car crash, we found something that it's a bit hard to make out but is very suspicious."
He showed me the footage.
D: "Wait, isn't that Micheal's car?"
Gaz: "Might be."
I look to see as the ambulance took off, Pat and the driver were doing something.
S: "Is there audio?"
Price turned on the audio.
P: "You sure that worked Mike?"
M: "Yes, he's gonna be there for a lil while."
P: "Finally, and I can take credit for all the tech, all the 6.3bill daily. This was perfect."
M: "He's was supposed to be fired, he blew up Fazbear's Pizza because of a disagreement with Scott. This is the perfect revenge."
The footage ended.
I was Pissed.
S: *angerly* "You've gotta be shitting me right now."
D: "Let's go back to the starmall, let's confront him about it."
We got out the hospital, I pressed a button to get my truck here.
S: "Price, you might wanna join in the ride, Imma bout to tear Pat a new one."
Price and Gaz hoped in with me Davis and Lucy, then we drove down the road.
I see Pat is outside, then I floored and parked RIGHT infront of his car.
Davis, Price, Gaz and Lucy got out.
D: "Do you want him to explain now, or after he tears you a new one?"
P: "What?!"
I walked around the truck.
S: "Sup Cunt!"
P: "Omg, Sky your ok-"
S: "Man, shut your stupid ass up. Dumb fuck."
P: "What?"
S: "I see you've met Mike, SO. Was it fun almost ending my fucking life?! Was it fun destroying my First ever car I got? Was it fuckin fun fracturing my part of my arm?!"
Pat was silent.
I walked in front of him, face to face.
S: "Let me tell you right and fuckin clear. All the shit your just polled and had a little back and forth with Mike. NOTHING, besides the Original starmall and the down stairs animatronics is yours. The Security, the Tech, the 6.3bill daily, and the vip section was all from me. Don't ever fuckin take credit for MY work, and just because your tried to kill me, doesn't mean any of the animatronics that are Humanoid belong to you. I'm gonna say this once, and Get this through your selfish, idiotic fuckin skull. Try something like this again, or do any bad. And I will, cancel the Entire sponsor ship and sue your entire place getting it shut down.
I don't give a fuck who you are. I'm not some one you want to piss off, and you can't kill me. I have 2 lives, I have myself and the Demon within.
I can make your life a living Fuckin hell.
Don't. Fuck. With. Me. Or. My. Life!"
P: "Is that supposed to scare me?"
S: "Maybe, but more like of," Pulls out and cocks gun. "this will."
P: "Ay. Woah(x4), No need for that."
S: "Than Don't. Do this ever again."
I got in my truck with Lucy, and left, I clipped Pat's bumper on purpose.
Tomorrow is another day.

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