Chapter 6

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Oh my gosh, it has been so long since I've spoken to you guys! So sorry about the wait. I am in my senior year of college, and it's been the most stressful year of my life. I work two jobs, on top of going to school full time! 

I also have a ton of new story ideas, so I'm hoping to write more soon. For now, enjoy meeting the female protagonist of this story! 

You're going to love Viper.


Everything was going wrong.

I blamed Ripper. He had created the most insane and expensive proposal, though that was none of my business. I showed up, did what I was told, then hid behind a tree with Blade. The wind threatened to take the tablecloth, there were flies all over the food, and ants all over the picnic blanket. We'd hung lights from the tree to, but the damn batteries didn't work.

I thought it couldn't get worse, but Reaper didn't show. We waited, and waited, and waited.

An hour after their meeting time, Ripper called it off. I couldn't ignore the tears in his eyes as we packed everything up, but no one said anything. I didn't know how to make him feel better. On our way back home, in the quiet truck, his phone rang. Ripper ignored it the first time. On the third ring of the second call, he wiped his face and picked it up.

"Hello?" He answered quietly. I could only hear mumbling from the backseat, but he spoke again a second later. "No, I'm not there...I went out to eat with Blade and Rooster...okay. I'll see you soon." Blade and I made awkward, sympathetic eye contact and didn't question Ripper when he bolted out of the car first.

Reaper was at the front door waiting for him and refused to let his boyfriend push past him. He explained something that seemed to relax Ripper slightly before they both went inside.

"I'll unload it later," I muttered to Blade as we met outside the truck. "I need a drink after that."

"I know," Blade said quietly. It was his day off, so he probably wanted to be nowhere near the bar, but he followed me anyway.

"I feel bad for him, but they'll figure it out soon. They're soulmates," I said, glancing down the hallway where they had disappeared. Pres was in a booth with Maya again, and stood when his phone beeped.

"Church!" He bellowed. I stood, eyeing the drink Snake was in the middle of making, and sighed. I didn't have time to wait for him to finish, and he had to go to Church too. Damnit. I sat in my chair—that just now had started to squeak—and crossed my arms. Queenie was whispering with Minnie and Bee, but the door opening again caught our attention.

The hottest woman I had ever seen was standing in the doorway. Who was she? She was wearing a short sleeve shirt and tattoo sleeves covered both arms. There was a bit of cleavage peeking out, but I forced my eyes to stay away. I wasn't a dirtbag.

Her blonde hair was in a sexy ponytail. Could hair be sexy? Hers was.

"Hey," someone whispered next to me. I didn't turn, so they pinched my fucking arm.

"Hey," I swatted Blade's hand away with a glare.

"Stop drooling," he taunted. I rolled my eyes as Pres and Queenie stood to greet the guest.

"This is Viper," Pres said loudly to interrupt us. He didn't touch the woman, but Queenie did, and brought her into a hug. Did they know each other?

"Don't touch her," Maya eyed all of us. As Pres introduced her more, my eyes widened. When he let us know the club had bought a bar, he didn't spill too much on the details, but in this situation it would have been nice to know beforehand. 

Viper was a mercenary for hire, which is why her cut was plain and empty. She worked with other clubs, as well as big names in government, Hollywood, and more.

That somehow made her hotter. She glanced over each of the men, but her eyes stayed on me. Viper. When she glanced away, my eyes followed until Pres finished his explanation. She would be the one working the bar downtown, gathering information and taking care of men without being technically "associated" with the club.

Christ. I think Blade was right. I might actually be drooling. Pres announced that a party would follow but warned us not to get wasted. She was under our hire, but she still worked for other clubs from time to time, and we didn't need to spill anything she didn't need to know. The second Church ended; men seemed to descend on her like wolves.

Blade was near the front of the line, but when I smacked him upside the head, he moved towards the door and pouted.

"Think of the men she deals with on a daily basis," I muttered to him and gestured to the crowd around her. Queenie was frowning at everyone, and Pres was pushing people away physically. Something about her was driving everyone insane. Blade moved away to go back to the bar for the night, and I was fighting my exhaustion.

He struck up a conversation with Reaper, who had also come to sit at the bar, before coming to me.

"Budweiser, please. I'll pay my tab, too," I said. He nodded and yanked the cap off of the beer before strolling over to the computer.

"$117.32," Blade said. The price was decent considering I'd been putting off paying my tab, but Pres had rules. Three months was the longest you could go before paying your tab, or you were cut off.

I handed him my card and listened to Reaper and Rampage curse as they realized what day it is. Everyone but me typically forgot until the day they were cut off. I glanced over at them to see Reaper deciding what card to use while Rage tossed his on the counter and kept sipping his drink.

"Thanks," I nodded at Blade, signed the receipt, and passed the living room on the way to the stairs. I passed a small blonde head leaning against the back of the couch and paused. Smoke lifted, and I noticed a cigarette peaking from her mouth. "Hey." I didn't spook her at all. She had heard me coming.

"Yeah?" Her voice sounded bored, and when she turned around, I gulped but tried to harden my gaze.

"No smoke in the house," I came around the corner of the couch. She raised her eyebrows at me, stood, and sucked in another breath of the cig. Viper's eyes drifted to my patch and back.

"Nice to meet you too, Rooster," she held her hand towards me. Another cloud of smoke left her mouth. I didn't shake it.

"Put out the cig or take it outside. Reaper's allergic," I glared. She eyed her cigarette, took another hit and blew it out before holding her hand out again; this time, holding the cigarette.

"I don't want it," I scoffed.

"There's nowhere around here to put it out," Viper pouted. She rolled her eyes a second later, tossed it down onto the hardwood before stomping it out with her boot. My dick twitched but it went ignored. My jaw was locked together in irritation, and I clenched my fists as she walked away and left her mess behind.

She wouldn't mess up our club.


I already have Viper's backstory and future with the club planned! Along with, of course, some bumps in the road. Can't wait for you all to see her again!

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