Chapter 13

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Hello everyone! I hope you like this new chapter!


While most of the club took their bikes, the married men rode in the car with their children–well, with one exception.

I could spot Titan on the back of Torch's bike, holding on to his dad and grinning so wide you'd think his teeth would fall out. We were all en route to my mamá's house, a place that the whole club held close to them. Well, I held it close to me. They always came for the food. Everyone loved my mother, but they really came for the food.

When I'd turned around to make sure we had everyone, I spotted Viper on her own bike in the back of the group. I rolled my shoulders. I could act natural all I wanted, but my mamá could sniff that kind of stuff out like a hunting dog. I had the best mamá in all of the club, even though none of the other members would admit it.

Most of them used me get my mom to feed them, but my mom would feed someone she met on the bus, so I tried not to let it get to me.

"Hey!" I whisper-shouted at Reaper. "Slow your fucking roll. She's my mom, for Christ's sake." He was walking a little too damn fast. The door was open when we were still in her front yard, and my mom's creased face was beaming at us. Reaper and Sniper began to shove at each other to get there first, while Bee just rolled her eyes and walked around them. I sped up my stride to reach mamá first.

"¡mis hijos!" she cried as she rushed forward as fast as she could. I was quick to swallow the distance, jogging to her and wrapping her in a hug. She always smelt like home and freshly baked bread. I wrapped my arms around her a squeezed tight, something I always used to do when I got back from school.

"I am your only boy, mamá," I teased. She unwrapped her hands to pinch me in the side and I tensed, but didn't release my arms. The other guys would have to rip my arms off before getting any hugs. She may have a lot of hijos, but I was her one and only son.

"I have many boys," mamá smiled at the yard and raised her eyebrow as her eyes caught something, "and a new daughter?" Growing up as a single child with a single mother, we relied on each other a lot. She was thrilled when I joined the club and had more to rely on.

Secretly, I knew she enjoyed having more people to rely on, too.

"She is temporary," I whispered as the crowd finally converged. I moved away from her with a pout as Pres hugged her and rocked her back and forth, followed by Torch and Titan, and so on until every member of the club had buttered up my mamá.

They were all smiling at her as she hugged Comp last. He grinned cheekily at her and kissed her cheek, stepping off to the side, leaving only Viper standing by the bikes.

"Come along, mija. No one is left behind here," mamá smiled and reach an arm out to Viper. The woman that had me in a chokehold a few nights before–literally–just smiled back and looped her arm through my mother's.

They whispered back and forth and slipped through all of the men in the yard to get to the front door. Viper helped her up the stairs and into the house while I just watched, mouth gaping. Pres clapped me on the back and nudged me foreword.

"Come on, Rooster. You're going to be the last one to eat if you're this slow," he teased. I snapped my mouth shut and pushed past some of the members to be the first to enter the back yard, where there were two small tables with three or so chairs each and place settings already there.

Rooster | Fallen Angels MC #4Where stories live. Discover now