Chapter 8

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I hope you enjoy this chapter! This story will move just a tiny bit slower compared to the other MC members, but it will be fun! Thank you for reading.


"No repercussions. You knew what you were doing, and if it was anything else, you would be on every run for the next month."

Pres knew I knew that I did something wrong, though in the end, it was a good thing to do. And as soon as he'd heard that I had turned around, he'd sent other members of the club on the run. All in all, I was lucky...

And so was Carla. With only a graze of a bullet wound, the damn woman had played dead with drops of blood around her. My chest ached with the thought of what could have happened. She said she felt comfortable staying in her own home, but it would be a while before she worked at the pharmacy again.

"Got it," I muttered.

"I'm glad you're alright," Pres leaned back in his chair. "Is Carla coming over anytime soon?"

"Nah. She usually keeps to herself," I answered. He thought for a minute.

"Invite her over. We're throwing a bash, so everyone's coming," Pres ordered. I reluctantly agreed and tilted my head.

"Anything else?" My toe was tapping rapidly on the ground.

"Nah, that's it. I'll be out of my office until the bash. See you then," he muttered. I left his office to see Sniper in the hall, and one look at my face told him all was well.

"That was a good thing you did," Sniper patted my shoulder. I ordered a quick non-alcoholic beverage before patting my back pocket to ensure my wallet was there and grabbed my keys before taking off.

"Where are you headed?" Comp's voice echoed through my helmet.

"Carla's," I answered. He didn't respond, so I glanced at the address on my phone and pocketed it before taking off. As I pulled up, I noticed she was swinging on her squeaky porch swing of her small porch. She stood with a smile when she stood up.

"Ay, chico," she shouted. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to visit my favorite person," I called back. My helmet rested against my handlebars as I jogged up the steps. She greeted me with a short hug.

"I'm not going to ask how you got my address," she smiled and patted my cheek.

"Sit down," I motioned her back to her swing. Once Carla sat down, she waved me to the seat next to her. "How are you feeling?"

"Completely fine. Stop worrying about me," she swung her hand.

"I won't, but I'm glad you're doing all right. Pres wanted me to invite you to the party we're having tonight," I smiled. She grinned and gazed past me towards the road.

"He was such a sweet boy," she murmured. "But it has been a long time since I've been to a party."

"I know your weakness," I teased as I looked at her. Carla had never had children, nor had she gotten married. She'd always wanted grandkids.

"What is it?"

"Two members of the club have kids," I prompted. She swung her wide eyes towards me a smiled.

"Why didn't they say so? Let's go!"

I returned to the club in high spirits, but without Carla. Pres was happy to hear that she was coming, and I was glad it wouldn't be the rowdiest of parties. Carla didn't like those, and having the kids around calmed the club's parties.

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