Chapter 21

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Hello everyone! Hope you enjoy!


"I can't believe I'm letting you do this shit," Viper scoffed.

I had my hands over her eyes and I was slowly walking her forward, eager to get our date started, but not eager enough to make my date trip.

"It'll be worth it," I soothed. I inched Viper forward just a little more until she was standing in front of the doorway . I knew she'd like this. I helped her forward a few more steps before relaxing my arms.

"Can I look yet?" Viper muttered impatiently beneath my hands.

"You're so impatient," I grinned. "Open!" Viper's eyes opened, then narrowed.

"A rage room? Seriously?" Viper turned in my arms and raised an eyebrow at me. I kept my grin on my face, even though my confidence was wavering. Had I totally misread the situation?

"We both have more than a little anger we can let go of," I said as I rested my arm around her shoulders and turned her back around to face the building. "This is a way we can do it without pissing Pres off."

I tugged her inside, but she still hadn't said anything. Crap! I really had misread this date. Maybe this was a bad idea. We walked inside, signed all of the boring-ass waivers, and the worker at the desk led us into the back.

"You, uh, have to wear this protective gear to be, uh, let back into the rooms," the poor guy said while he was sweating. Viper scoffed, but I held my reaction back.

"Just this one time," I muttered in her ear. I had visited this place a few days earlier to check it out and see if Viper would like it, and I'd already tried to bargain with them about the protective gear. They mentioned some shit about a guy in the past who'd gotten sliced by a stray piece of glass and sued them. The workers wouldn't budge, no matter how much we made this guy sweat.

I practically had to force the headgear onto Viper, who was staring at me with a deadpan look in her eyes. Christ, she was adorable, but I was starting to get really worried. It had taken a lot of convincing for her to give this relationship a chance, and I was blowing it on our first actual date.

We both cinched protective vests around us, then followed the worker–who had since stopped sweating–into one of the rage rooms. There were an assortment of weapons on one wall, and Viper's eyes started to light up once she spotted them. There were several rage rooms around the city, and the reason I'd chose this one was it's eclectic collection of weapons.

Sure, there was a plain metal bat hanging up next to a mallet, and there was even a sharpened axe next to that. Out of all of those options, Viper was reaching for another bat with spikes on it.

"Not such a bad date idea after all, huh?" I teased from beneath my mask. Viper rolled her eyes, but her attitude had changed a little bit. I motioned to the variety of objects we were allowed to destroy next to me.

"The TV first," Viper took a second to decide before motioning to the old–and very heavy–television on the floor. I picked it up with a grunt and set it on the large wooden structure in the middle of the room, then took a step back.

"Have at it!" I yelled. I was definitely right that Viper had a lot of anger to get rid of when she started smashing the TV again and again. Shards of glass flew all around us, followed by large pieces of plastic as the tech was brutally destroyed. Once she was done, Viper took a step back with a deep sigh.

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