Chapter 1

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This is a new story that I thought of. I didn't end up liking the old story I had written on my previous account, I thought there were a lot of plot holes and I didn't really have a story in mind initially. This one is something I'm more fond of so I really hope you enjoy this Levi Weston x Y/N (Mal) story (Yes it's a Descendants x Power Rangers crossover *wink wonk*) I wanted to combine plot lines so while this chapter is only Descendants, the next chapter will most likely be all Power Rangers before they combine. This took me an hour to write and I spent most of the time re-watching clips from the movie in order to write everything down as exact as I could in terms of the the dialogue lol. Anyway, happy reading!


Y/n's POV

"Mal! Mal! How does it feel to be the most envied girl in Auradon?"

"Do you like being blonde?"

"Are you and King Ben dating?"

"Will you be going to the Royal Cotillion together?"

"Is your mother still a lizard?"

"I-" I began to blank, all of the cameras flashing and the questions from the reporters were overwhelming.

"Okay, alright. Excuse me. We will let you know if and when that particular situation changes." Ben answers for me as he moves through the crowd to stand beside me.

"Did you ever think you'd become friends with a villain kid?"

Ben let out a forced laugh, "We're done here."

The group all started yelling out more questions at once and Fairy Godmother came over to the two of us to handle finishing up the press and get them to leave campus. "Okay, shush shush. Shush shush. This is still a school so if you're here you're either skipping or trespassing."

"Oh, come on."

"Just one quick-"

"Ah ah, shush shush." She began, trying to silence them all.

"But Fairy Godmother-"

"And shush. Shush." She repeated, holding her hands up to them all and waving her hands around in a circle before pointing towards the exit.

They finally all understood and walked in a mass together off campus.

"Thank you guys." Ben said as they walked off.

"Mal, Ben." Fairy Godmother said with a smile as she bid farewell to us.

"Fairy Godmother." We responded in unison.

"Whoo." I said awkwardly.

He let out a small chuckle, "Don't pay any attention to them."

"Well that's a lot easier said than done right?" I said laughing a bit.

"No, no." He mumbled. "You know maybe we should do something. We should go somewhere and get away, you know? It's been awhile since we've hung out just the two of us. I miss hanging out with my best friend." He said to me with a smile.

"Yeah that'd be-" I started but then his face dropped.

"I have a counsel meeting. I'm so late." He said with a grimace look on his face, mixed with guilt.

"That's okay!" I said understandingly.

"But we'll do it sometime. Uh-" He went in to give me a hug but Evie came up and took a hold of my forearm.

I let out a tiny gasp in surprise, "If we don't do a fitting for your gown, right this minute, you'll be dancing in your bathrobe. Okay?" She said to me before turning to Ben and saying a quick 'hi' to him. "Let's go." She said while pulling me in the direction of our dorms.

"Bye Ben!" I call him while being dragged off.

"Bye!" He replied back.

As soon as we got up to our room, Evie gathered a few items and handed me the gown she's been working on for me. I quickly changed out of the outfit I was wearing and into the gown before standing on the platform in front of her sewing table. She zipped up the back for me and I groaned in pain.

"Okay Evie. I cannot breathe." I say.

"Well, you can breathe after the Cotillion." She replies with a smile.

"I sincerely doubt that. I have at least twenty more events directly behind it and I can't even remember what a single one of them is." I say throwing my hands up and letting them fall limp against my sides.

"Uh, impeccable." Evie mutters, admiring her work. It was clear she wasn't focused on what I had been saying.

I glanced towards my jacket that was hanging on our coat rack. "Evie?" She lets out a hum to me, "Do you ever think about what we'd be doing if we were back on the Isle right now?"

She laughed a bit, "That's funny." The sound of the television caught our attention. "Ah, look who's on TV." She grabbed my hand and helped me down and we walked over to watch the broadcast.

It was coverage of Ben and I eating with Aladdin and Jasmine. The voiceover talking about how no one thought that any of us would make it. I muttered a 'yeah, no kidding' under my breath as I continued to watch.

Then, I remembered my spell book. I needed to remember everything and decided to find a quicker way of doing it. I flipped through the pages in my book before I found the right spell. "Read it fast at lightning speed, remember everything I need." I chant before I grab a book and start reading through it.

Evie came over to me and sat beside me on my bed. "I know Mal's secret to fitting in and Ben wouldn't like it one bit. Haven't you guys had enough secrets between the two of you already?"

I turn towards her, "Evie... You remember what I was like before I started using my spell book. I mean I was a complete disaster."

"Well, personally as your best friend, I strongly believe that this spell book," she started and grabbed my book from me as I started to protest, "It belongs in the museum along with my mirror." I started to pout at her, "Don't give me the face. Put the pout away. Mhm, you know I'm right."

"You don't ever miss running wild and just breaking all the rules?" I say, finally letting it out.

"Like stealing and lying and fighting?" She asked.

"Yeah!" I say back.

"No!" She exclaims, looking at me like I was crazy. "Why would we? M, come here." She said holding her hands out to me and bringing me to my feet. "Look at where we are, we're in Auradon! And we're Auradon girls now." She said excitedly while turning me to face the television screen once more. "See? This is the land of opportunity. We can be whatever we want to be here. So please, let's just leave the past in the past okay? Besides, I mean, look at the shoes. Look at them!"

While she stood smiling, I stood with a frown. The problem that I failed to let her know about was that I was starting to not like being an Auradon girl. I didn't fit in. 


A/N: Hi! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter of my story! I am really excited to release more chapters for you! It might not be released fast since I am also currently working on my 'She's My Girlfriend' Sebastian Smythe x Reader story but once that piece is wrapped up I'll have more time to dedicate to this story! It'll go through all three Descendants movies (kind of rushed and out of order) and throughout season two of Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel just for time reference. 

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