Chapter 3

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Hello hello! I'm back again! I'd like to dedicate this chapter to @lauraInnit who was actually one of the first to read and vote for this story! I really appreciate it because I thought about just not continuing it due to the lack of activity for it. But I'm so glad I decided to continue writing this because I really liked this idea and it would be sad to see it go to waste. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!


Y/n's POV

I was on my way to class when Jane approached me and began asking me questions from the decorating committee, "Mal?"

"Yes?" I asked as she walked beside me.

"I hate to keep bugging you, but the decorating committee needs more answers, So, as much as I hate to, uh... you know, um..." She started, clearly equally as nervous as she was stressed.

"Bug me?" I finished her sentence.

"Right." She replied, looking relieved that she hadn't offended me.

"Yeah, Jane, I would love to. I just have to get to class." I said, picking up my pace slightly but she picked up and mimicked my pacing.

"You know, just nod if you like it." She compromised.

"Okay." I said, giving in.

"Chair swags. Entry banner. Twinkle lights, Napkin design. Table bunting, And you still haven't picked the party favors yet." She says, listening out the things I have to make decisions about.

"Honestly, Jane, whatever you think-" I start to tell her but she continues talking about the party favor options.

"I mean, we can do chains, key charms, pen toppers–I kind of love the pen toppers–but, I mean, we can do all three." She says very quickly.

My eyes flash green at her and she starts to look a bit scared so I closed my eyes and had them change back. When I open them again I tell her in a forced sweet tone, "I say pen toppers."

She smiled, "Yeah?"

"Yeah." I responded with a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes.

"You won't regret it." She tells me

"Okay." I say and try to get to my next class when Lonnie and Evie come up to us.

"I can't wait to see what your coronation is like!" Evie exclaims.

"Ooh, or the wedding!" Lonnie chimed in.

"Me too. Wait, what?!" I say, very confused.

Jane jumped in to explain, "The Royal Cotillion is like getting engaged to be engaged to be engaged."

"I knew it!" Evie gasped.

"Well, everyone knows it." Lonnie responded.

"I didn't know it! Ben and I aren't even together! How come nobody told me that? Is my entire life just planned out in front of me-" I start to rant when Ben walks beside me.

"Hi Mal." He greets me with a smile.

"Hi Ben." Lonnie, Jane, and Evie say in unison.

"Oh, oh. A quick moment." Jane says to him.

"Uh.." He muttered as Jane pulled him to the side to talk about something with her. "Uh.. see you later?" He called out to me as he and Jane continued to discuss.

"Okay." I reply quietly as I try to get to my class on time.

After my chemistry lesson I headed over to my locker to get my book for magical history when Ben approached me.

"Hi Mal." He said, leaning against the lockers.

"Hi." I politely respond as I switch out my textbooks.

"I have a little surprise for you." He said.

"Again? Wow, that's like every day now." I say.

"Or every other day. The even dates. Because you're... even more perfect than I thought." He compliments.

I let out a nervous 'ha ha ha', "That is me. I am perfect."

"Come on, let me spoil you. You didn't have a lot growing up." Something about this made my heart clench.

"We managed." I said, a little strained.

Then, something caught his attention. "Hey, didn't you donate that to the museum?"

I followed his line of sight and saw that he spotted my spell book in my locker.

"Is that still in there?" I awkwardly ask while shutting my locker shut. "Um, I got to get to class. I really don't want to be late."

"No. You come this way." He said and covered my eyes, guiding me over to somewhere. "First off... ta-da!" He said, removing his hands from my eyes.

It was a purple scooter with a gold bow on it. "What?!" I exclaimed, looking back to him very excitedly.

"You like it?" He asked.

"Ben... does an ogre like cheese puffs? This is amazing! It's purple! But, I didn't get you anything." I said while getting a closer look at my new scooter.

"You're taking me on a picnic with all my favorite foods, remember?" He said, smiling at me.

"No, that's Thursday." I say.

"It is Thursday." He countered.

"No, it's not." I retorted.

"Yes, it is."

"No, it's not."

"It is."

Oh, no. "I knew that." I try and play it off.

"I mean, if you don't have it, that's fine." He said sweetly.

"No, no, no." I say, waving my hands towards him. "I was fully messing with you. I knew it was Thursday. I just have one more thing to go bake, and then I am all yours."

"Well, what about class?" He asks, arms folded over his chest and a little smirk on his face.

"She multitasks." He joked and I repeated it back to him with a laugh. "You're the best!"

"That's me!" I say, hurrying to my next class and wondering how I'm going to pull off this picnic.


A/N: I promise that the characters will meet eventually! They will! I just realized they won't meet till mid chapter 5 or chapter 6 by the rate i have this set at. But it'll be worth it, don't worry! I have been working on the next chapters so I hope you look forward to reading more!!

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