Chapter 5

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A/N: Hello hello~ How are y'all? I will admit, I've been paying more attention to writing this story than my other one... so if you're someone that reads both, I'm sorry lol. But I hope you guys like this new chapter!! It's super long y'all. 2225 words and I can't believe that this is how most of them are turning out. Tbh it's shocking aijoirhgoiwerhgoirhg... anyway, enjoy hehe~


Mick's POV

Redbot and I were trying to alter the ninja throwing stars, hoping that the changes were enough for the Prism to transform them. Suddenly, a portal appeared in the middle of the base and someone came rushing through on a motorbike. I let out a shout in surprise as the stranger came to a stop just inches away from me.

I grabbed a wrench from Calvin's toolbox and held it up defensively, "Who are you? How did you find this place?"

The stranger took off their helmet and it appeared to be a girl that looked like she was the same age as the rest of the rangers. She held her hands up in mock surrender, "I can explain."

We sat down and she went through her whole backstory. A lot of it was confusing, especially the part where she told me about being from a different world.

"So let me get this straight. You're a villain kid and everyone like you was banished to a place where you couldn't leave. Then, Ben, your friend, invited you and three of your other villain kid friends to AUradon. The place where all of the princes and princesses are. And your mother, Maleficent, saw it as a way to get the Fairy Godmother's wand and free everyone from the Isle so they could rule the world, but you stopped her and now she's a lizard and you guys are good?" I asked and she nodded her head, "But now the pressure is getting to you and you don't think you belong there anymore so you went to find somewhere else?"

"Yeah, pretty much." She said.

"Well, that settles that then." I said, standing up. "Welcome to Summercove High. I'm sure you'll fit in fine, besides I know some kids that you'd get along great with. Oh, and by the way, you might want to dress a bit more casual. You know, so you fit in."

She nodded and took out a small leather book, flipping through its pages. I watched, a bit confused as to what she was doing.

"I need to change and do it soon, the way to fit in is by starting new." She said and suddenly her hair and clothes changed.

"Wow, that's crazy. You're like a magician!" I exclaimed. SHe could perform magic just like Preston could!

"Ahah, a little. Anyway, I better get going. There's a lot to do if I'm going to start a new life here. Oh, and by the way, please don't tell anyone. It took a lot for people to get past the whole 'daughter of Maleficent' thing." She said as she grabbed her bag.

"Yeah, of course. Don't worry Mal, your secret's safe with me." I told her, pretending to lock my mouth shut.

She let out a small laugh before saying, "Maybe I should change my name too? How about Y/n? New life, new name, new start, you know?"

"I think it suits you. I hope you find what you're looking for." I told her.

"Thanks for your help Mick. It was nice meeting you. You too, Redbot. I'll see you guys around." She said before leaving the base.

"Huh." I said to myself once she left.

"What is it Mick?" Redbot asked.

"Nothing. It's just I have a feeling about that girl. A really good one." I said to him, looking at the door Mal, or Y/n, had left through.

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