Chapter 02

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Eliana's POV
It's been a few weeks since the incident, and Bella has started hanging out with Jake. We haven't spoken since then, but I do catch her glaring at me while I ignored her selfish, petty ass. Today she went cliff diving with him while I stayed home to make dinner. I made chicken gnocchi soup, spaghetti with meatballs, garlic bread, and tiramisu for dessert.

What? I like Italian foods. Plus Uncle Harry's in the hospital for another heart attack scare. Dad said that he was planning on bringing Leah, Seth, and Aunt Sue over to eat. They needed a lot of protein and carbs for the stress they were all under.

I turned around only to come face to face with the one and only Alice Cullen. She threw her arms around me and said "Oh my gosh Eli I'm so so sorry for your loss!" I pushed her off of me and slapped her first because we've NEVER been friends and you don't just hug random people who you know aren't fond of you and second because of the recent crap her and her family pulled "How dare you show your face here after what you did!" I snapped she turned her head away in embarrassment "I came to help with Bella's funeral. I'm so sorry for everything that happened, it wasn't supposed to be this way" I gave her a confused look.

"What are you talking about? Bella's not dead she's on her way home with Jake" Alice's eyes widened "What? Are you sure?" "Yeah Jake just called me 10 minutes ago to tell me that they were coming back early cause Bella....almost drowned" I said as realization dawned on me. Alice saw Bella drown and not make it.

Yes the Cullens know that I know about them, and they're cool with it. Well at least Carlisle, Esme, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett know that I know. Bella, Edward, and Alice however don't know that I know.

"You should probably leave. Bella was just starting to get better" I said firmly "Was it that bad?" She asked concern. It took everything in me not to break down then, it was one thing to hear about it from your Twilight obsessed friend and it was another thing to deal with and experience it. Especially when we used to share a room.

"She wouldn't talk, eat, or sleep for the first two months she just locked herself in her room. When dad threatened to send her to Renee she snapped out of it and flipped out. She pretended to hang out with kids from school, but honestly you're the only thing that Bella has to a friend. It was only when she started hanging out with Jake that she actually got better" I confessed just needing to get some of the stress off my shoulders "You keep mentioning this Jake, who is he?" Alice asked curiously "A childhood family friend he's also Bella's god-brother" I explained, deciding to leave out the fact that rumors around town is that they're dating now despite the two and a half year age gap.

Before Alice could say anything else Bella burst into the house and launched herself into the pixie vampire's arms "Alice!" She said in a dramatic tone. I sighed and returned to making dinner while the two girls migrated towards the living room. I spaced out until the phone rang and Jacob volunteered to answer it while I finished up. Realizing what was about to happen I quickly wrote a note to Charlie.

'Dinner is in the oven. Bella ran off to Italy with Alice to see Edward and I went with them to make sure she doesn't wind up in the hospital again. I'll call as soon as possible-Eli'

And I rushed upstairs packing up two bags for me and Bella for three days. I may dislike Edward, but I was not about to sit around and let him die. Plus I've felt drawn to Italy since I got here maybe this is my chance to get some answers about why I'm here. I darted back downstairs as Alice explained to Bella what was happening. I went to Alice's car and threw the bags in and hopped into the backseat buckling myself in.

I see Alice drag Bella out of the house with Jacob following behind begging her not to leave town "Bella, please! He left you!" "Yeah and now he's about to kill himself for me!" Bella yelled over her shoulder before getting in the car and buckling up. "What about Charlie?" Jake asked trying to convince her to stay "I'm 18 I can do what I want" Bella bitchly answered and I piped up "I left a note and I have my phone. If he calls I'll answer" Bella whipped around and let out an enraged shriek "What are you doing here?!" I gave her a deadpanned expression "Ensuring that you don't go home in a body bag with your clumsy dumbass."

Bella let out another shriek making me wince and rub my ears "Get the fuck out! This is my rescue mission! I'm the only one who can save Edward!" I roll my eyes at her. Thankfully Alice says "Bella we need her!" Bella scoffs and crosses her arms before pouting like a child. I narrowed my eyes at Alice.

Does she know something?

"Bella please stay, for Charlie and Eliana's sake, for me?" He asked pleadingly "No. Drive Alice" Alice does as told.

Off to Italy we go, hopefully to not die.

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