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Eliana's POV
Hi! I'm Eliana-Godiva Helen Swan, I know it's a mouthful just call me Eli. Anyways I was brought into the Twilight universe to be Isabella Marie Swan's younger twin sister by 15 minutes, but apparently being born second means that I was a mistake. At least in Renee's eyes, like, well excuse me bitch but I didn't ask to be shot in a grocery store robbery and wake to me being born from your nasty ass vagina!

She always played favorites, Charlie on the other hand didn't though secretly I knew that I was his favorite. He named me, fed me, dressed me, and changed my diaper since Renee wouldn't. He named Eliana-Godiva because apparently on the website he read it said that Eliana means 'god has answered' and Godiva means 'gods gift' which was so sweet and then my middle name is Helen after his beloved late mother.

I have pale skin with straight black hair and blue eyes that turn green when I'm happy, purple when I'm sad, and gray when I'm angry according to Dad I look like a mini Helen Swan with Renee's eye color.

I hate my eye color, mostly because of Renee. She's irresponsible, bad with money, selfish, and lazy. She's the eternal child and refuses to grow up, I mean, she's a MOTHER act like it. I remember the day she left dad when she realized that he wouldn't leave the humble but beautiful town of Forks. You know, the place where he was born and grew up and the place where he repeatedly said before they even got married that this was where he want to grow old and die and watch his children grow up.

The same place where his parents laid dying in one room while you complained about Forks nonstop.

She packed up our bags, the fact that it was all three of us surprised me, and grabbed about $250 which knowing her it'd last a day tops buckled Bella in one car seat, and then went to grab 3 year old me. I latched onto the porch railing and wailed which attracted some of our neighbors. It was in that moment that I said my first word/sentence "Daddy! No! No leave daddy!" It shocked Renee and she dropped me as if I burned her before she scowled and said "Fine stay here and rot you brat!" And stormed over to the car grabbed my suitcase and threw it on the ground.

When she drove off the older neighbor couple next door rushed over and tried to try and comfort me, but I screamed whenever they touched me. They told the other neighbors to call the cops and get a hold of Charlie. Once word hit three cop cars showed up and dad jumped out and rushed towards me. He fell to his knees and gently pulled me into his arms and managed to calm me down in two minutes after I screamed my head off for five hours. I remember hiccuping out "Eli no leave daddy!" While the police and neighbors gave us pitying looks.

Charlie filed for divorce and Renee literally tried to to fight for custody for me. Thankfully she lost. Renee got to keep Bella, and Dad kept me. Renee and Dad did have visitation with me and Bella. I hated the two weeks spent in Arizona where Renee tried to convince me to live with her instead of Dad. I finally had enough and put my foot down saying that I no longer wanted to see Renee when I was eight.

Hearing this Renee once again took us to court claiming that dad brainwashed me against her. The judge questioned me and answered truthfully "I never saw Renee as my mother. So I just don't see the point in visiting someone that I don't like just to be miserable in sweltering Arizona" after that I stayed in Forks year round.

Bella pulled the same stunt when she was 14. Dad didn't really mind all she did while she was here was stay in her room and sulk and complain about Forks like Renee did throughout her entire marriage to dad. Huh, like mother like daughter.

When I was in Arizona I at least pretended to like it.

Years passed and while technically speaking I could be graduating from college instead of high school I chose to stay for when Bella arrived. She did eventually and started dating Edward. I was friends with all the Cullens when they first moved here, but I was closer to Rosalie and Jasper whom I saw as older siblings. Which drove Bella mad with jealousy.

Bella always hated me. Even though I treated her like my sister she was rather cruel to me. Our relationship is toxic, and I was just starting to outgrow it when the birthday incident struck and the Cullens left.

Jasper and Rose even dropped contact with me. So I was force to pick up the pieces alone. I decided to redecorate the entire house. I told dad my plans and he agreed that a change in scenery would be good for Bella. After I convinced dad to set up a fishing trip for himself with the guys, I got a plane ticket to Florida so Bella can get some 'fresh air' and then I laid out the blueprints for my little plan.

Once they were gone my work began.

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