Chapter 05

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Eliana's POV
I gazed at Aro as he spoke to Edward. His words going in one ear and out the other as I didn't really comprehend them, but rather just enjoyed the melody of his voice.

Aro suddenly turned to me "I see that another human is aware of your existence" Bella's head snapped to me and she let out a screech of outrage "You knew?!" I winced "Bella, please shut up. Your voice is like nails on a chalkboard" this earned a few chuckles from the guard and King Caius surprising me.

I approached Aro and extended my hand "Hello I'm Eliana-Godiva Helen Swan, but please call me Eli, I'm this idiot's twin sister" Aro's face lit up and he eagerly grabbed my hand. Aro seemed frustrated at first as if he couldn't read me like Bella but after I took a deep breath and relaxed Aro's face lit up as he saw all my memories. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that Marcus had sat up straighter and stared at me with a look of awe. I stared back wondering why he'd be in awe of me.....did I have bonds with people in the room?

"I see, you're from another dimension and you were reincarnated as dear Isabella's twin. Apassionante" (fascinating) Aro spoke up making Bella sneer at me "I knew that you couldn't possibly be my sister!" Earning looks of disgust from the guards and disapproval from Alice and Edward. Aro spoke to her in a condescending tone "Actually by blood she is your sister. Her soul just remembers it's previous life as someone else. She was created by your mother and father and born as your twin, young Isabella."

"Aro" Marcus spoke and raised his hand for Aro to grab. Aro sped over and immediately grabbed it he held it for a few minutes before looking back at me in shock and said softly "È lei. Il nostro vero amico, la nostra regina è arrivata" (It's her. Our true mate, our queen has arrived) my jaw dropped and I whirled around to face a guilty looking Edward and Alice "You knew, didn't you?! You knew and you let me come here?! Why the hell didn't either of you tell me?!" Bella stepped forward and once again tried to get the attention back on her "What's going on?!"

"It appears young Bella that your sister is the true mate of Marcus, Caius, and myself which in turn makes her queen of the vampires" Aro explained, Bella looked at him enraged and disgusted "That's impossible! There's no way she's queen of the vampires! It's also impossible to have more than one soulmate! Besides aren't you three already married?!"

"For your information, you nosey, brat we divorced our wives ages ago" Caius sneered at Bella and Marcus began to explain. "It's actually rare, but not impossible for a person to have more than one mate. I can see the golden red bonds clear as day. Your sister is indeed the queen of the vampires" Marcus said and Aro added "To be so close to such an influential figure while still human is a huge honor, never mind being related to such an omnipotent person...." Caius then hissed at my sister "Be humbled as this girl is the only thing standing between you and certain death."

My head was spinning as my thoughts raced all around me making me dizzy and breath quickened and I took some steps back "No, no, no" I kept repeating while shaking my head as I tried to grasp onto a proper thought process, but my mind turned against me and I was hit with wave after wave of overwhelming thoughts and self doubt. I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe I was drowning but everyone else seemed okay. They all turned to look at me questionably.

Tears pricked my eyes and before I knew what I was doing I ran out of the throne room. I sensed the kings attempt to run after me but Alice stopped them. I ran and ran until I was outside in a shady empty alleyway with the festival going on some ways down.I stopped and I slid down a wall next to the door that I just ran out of and started sobbing into my arms.

I placed my hands over my ears trying to drown out all the noises that seemed to be louder than before and blurring together. I started rocking myself in a desperate attempt to comfort my shaking body that was gasping for air that never seemed to enter my lungs.

I felt a cool hand suddenly touch me and I snapped my head upwards to see Jane stare at me with wide concerned and frightened eyes next to her was Alec who mirrored her expression. I sobbed and hiccuped as I tried to speak unsure of what to say to them.

The twins knelt before me and tried to comfort me. Jane and Alec both wrapped one arm over my shoulders and another around my waist, hesitantly and unsurely. They then squeezed me tightly but gently and whispered soothing woods in Italian and gently rested their heads on my shoulders.

As I looked at them startled and blinked.

I suddenly saw my younger twin brothers from before I became Bella's sister, Michael and Gabriel. They were like my own sons as I had raised them because our mother was a drug addict and had a tendency to date abusive men. I started caring for them right after they were born when I was 9. I fed them, clothed them, kept them clean and healthy, I stole food, clothes, and medicine for them for awhile until I could get a job and once I did I enrolled them in school and scheduled doctors appointments for them.

I dropped out of middle school to get another job to ensure that they were provided for and well taken care of. I had help from the neighbors Mr and Mrs Conners who would babysit while I worked my odd jobs to pay the bills, groceries, and for my brothers health and education. I made them promise that if anything happened to me that they would fight for custody of them and they agreed. I knew that my brothers were safe with the Connors, but that didn't mean that I didn't miss them or worry about them.

They were only seven years old when I died all because I was stupid and had to play the hero at the grocery store, but what was I supposed to do? The guy had a six year old girl hostage and he was waving a gun around! Her poor mother sat helplessly on the floor as she beefed for him to let her daughter go. Blood dripped from the head wound she received from the butt of his gun when she tried to fight back.

I wasn't even thinking. I got up and ran at him and managed to startle him enough to release the girl who I quickly shoved into her mother's awaiting arms. I knocked the guy down and he fired bullets as he fell making everyone let out terrified screams. Thankfully no one was harmed as my body caught the three bullets he fired out. I fell to the ground and slowly died with the mother and daughter crying over my body.

I blinked again making the memories vanished.

Before I knew what I was doing I grabbed the twins before me and hugged them close "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I kept hiccuping through my sobs. The twins just hugged me back in response and rubbed my back.

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