cat face||PART 2

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(lol sry I fell asleep lmao)


You guys were hanging at the store. You were sitting on the counter as he was mopping the floors. "Dev! I wanna go watch TV at your place!" You say turning your body to face him. "I have to finish cleaning, and my shift doesn't end til 12" Devon says as he continues to mop. You get off the counter and walk over to him and almost slip and fall. "What are you doing?" He says while looking at you. "Can we goooo nowww~!" You say hanging onto the shelfs. He says no like always and you go to your last resort. You walk over to him and almost slip again and hug him. "What are you doing" he says looking down at you. You look up at him and do the face. He starts blushing profusely and looks away. "Can we go nowww!?" You say still doing the face. "No..." He says still looking away and you frown and walk off.

Tae Young 🕊️

You guys were at the park and see a cat. You gasp and run over to it and pick it up. Tae starts to freak out cause he doesn't know were you went. You run over to him and show him the cat. "AHHH! oh there you are!" He says while looking at you. You put the cat in his face. "CAN WE KEEP IT!!" you say excitedly. "Uhh, we don't have r-room!" He says nervously... You pout and move the cat so he can see your face. "We can make room tho" you say hoping that he will change his decision. "Robaire i-is allergic to c-cats!" He says nervously. You do the face at him and he chuckles even more nervous. He starts sweating a bit and blushing. "W-we c-cant!" He says before he passes out. Making your eyes widen and you start to freak out letting the cat go.

Robbery 😍

He was crouched down and insulting kids in French to their face, when you came up behind him and grabbed the back of his collar and made him stand up. "I want food, you can do that later." You say letting his collar go. He turned around and looked you in your eyes and smirks. "mendier"(beg). You look him in the eyes and smack him across the face and drag him by the ear to your favorite restaurant. When you are there, you want to get (f/f) and so you ask him. "No..." He says while look at the menu still upset that you smacked him Infront of his friends and everyone. You sigh and do the face. He looks at you and his eyes widen. "You better get me my food you little bitch" you say still doing the face and he nods making you smirk.

(F/f) - favorite food


"JESSE!" you yell at him after he let his kids play with your stuff while you were at the store. He runs into the bathroom and smiles nervously when he sees your face. "Do you want to explain what happened here?" You say still fuming. "Uhh, not really." He says trying to back away from you, as your eye starts twitching. "So you don't want to talk about how your children ruined 100 dollars worth of makeup!" You say as you start walking towards him. "$100!?" He says. "Yeah! And probably more! You're paying for all of the makeup I have lost!" You say grabbing his collar and making him look you in the eyes."W-What!? No! I'm not paying 100 dollars for makeup!" He says still trying to walk away. You do the face making him look away. "You are gonna buy back all of it, and if you say no I'm gonna ruin all of your designer clothes." Making him nod while still looking away. "Good boy" you say patting his head and walking off.

(I got carried away with that one lmao)

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