395 11 3

They are jealous

Z looks like the type of guy to just stand there quietly and glare at the man while they stutter underneath his stare.

Who said the L word first

You did

You hate to waste time tbh so you took him on like a third date and said it

Random head canons

He likes to play competitions of trashcan basketball with T

He uses brown eyeliner to make his eyes stand out on the stage

He likes to twirl you randomly

He likes to trip T then gaslight him into thinking his tripped on his shoelaces

Cat faceee

He was shooting hoops with T and they were playing HORSE. Z and T both bet on whoever lost would have to trip Jesse's child down the stairs and tell Jesse that the child is crazy, and the loser also owes the winner 40 bucks. You were trying to find Z and saw him playing ball instead of calling you back. You saw his phone on the bench and growled slightly. You wanted to get food. You were hungry and he knew that you get mad when you are hungry. You walk up to your famous boyfriend. "Babeee, can we go now?" You say and he turns his head to look at you. "Sure babe, in a few. T is on S right now" he says has he turns back to see T getting ready to shoot. "No. I said Now Z." You say as your eye twitches. "Babe, we'll be done in a second." Z says as he turns back to you. You look at the ground and you come up with an idea. You walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder as T shoots the ball. Z looks at you slightly and you do the face causing his cold persona to melt slightly and he quickly fixes himself. "Babe. I'm not gonna lose this. In a sec" you kick him in the shin causing him to squeal slightly and you walk back to the bench.


You paint his nails but he will only let you if he gets to pick the color

You guys do facemasks via his idea

You guys watch horror movies and make fun of the cliches

Small make outs

Jesse walks in on you guys getting heated in the bathroom and tells you guys to get out.

He falls asleep on you


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