they cheat on you||PART 2||

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blah blah blah, it's angst so yeah 👍


You were going to sit underneath the bleachers and heard some slight moaning, you turned to walk away when you heard someone say your girlfriends name while panting. Now you being the curious bitch you are, you peek around the side of the bleachers and your eyes widen. You drop your book and they turn to look but you quickly hid against the side and they saw the book. Priya gets off the girl and walks over to the book and picks it up. She opens it to see your name in it.

-This book belongs to Y/N L/N

Her eyes widen and she looks over to the side and sees you and your teary eyes.
"Well damn. What did I do to have you cheat on me?" You say while looking away.
Priya bits her lip
(*sexy lip bite* do you wanna watch Scooby Doo and try to find out who did it before they do" *hair flip*)
"Y-you didn't do anything, this was.... all me..." She says as she tries to grab your hand. You step away and look at her. "Why? Why would you do this to me!?" You say as you begin to cry more. Priya's eyes widen and she looks away with shame and guilt. "We are done. I'm gonna come to your house to collect all of the things I've given you." You say as you snatch your book from her and walk away.


You knocked on Tyler's window for him to let you in. He doesn't answer, but his bike is in the driveway and so is his parents car. You walk over to the living room window and try to see through. You give up after you can see anyone. You groan and jump down from the ledge that you were standing on, and the front door opens. You quickly look over. A girl your age walks out. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. Your interest peeks as she hugs Tyler. "Bye Babe! See you tomorrow!" Your eyes widen. 'babe?!?!' you think. You look back over to them and she kisses him making your eyes start to tear up. You gasp and quickly hide from wait until he closes the door and she left, and you ran home.

You show up with a box full of his stuff and the stuff that he has given you and you shoved it into him.
"What is all of this babe?" He says as he looks at the box. You look at him enraged. "Don't call me that! I saw you yesterday! That's everything you have given me while we were dating! And don't try to act like you didn't do anything either!" You say as people gather around abit.  "I- I don't know what you are talking about!" He says confused. "I saw you and that blonde tramp! And I'm pretty sure that was the girl who I fought the other day! I don't understand why you would do this!" You say as his eyes widen. "T-that was my cousin!" He says trying to lie. You slap him making everyone gasp. "SO YOU KISS YOUR COUSINS? YOU FULL ON FRENCH KISS YOUR COUSIN!?" you tell as you start tearing up from your anger, not sadness, anger.  He starts stuttering at his words. You start laughing making him stop. "We are done! Don't come near me or my family anymore!" You shove pass him.


You were walking towards the daisy mart, it was you and your boyfriend's 2 year anniversary! You had presents for him. A new bucket hat, some chocolate, and a new 4-Town CD and poster! You see your sister and her friends by the window and she was freaking out. "W-WHAT AM I GONNA TELL THEM!?" she says freaking out. She was fanning herself with her hands and her friends were kinda freaking out too. Her panda ears popped out of her head. You walk up behind her. "Gonna tell who, what?" You say curious and she freezes in her spot. "Y-Y/n!? What are you d-doing here!?" She says through her clench teeth. "Uh, I'm here for me and Devon's 2 year anniversary!" You say happily and her fake smile alters. You look at her confuse and go to turn around to look into the window. "W-WAIT!" they all yell, you turn around and drop your stuff. You just stared. Mei quickly hugs you but your hair tie falls out of your hair and somehow breaks. Your overwhelming emotions make you start breathing heavily. Mei looks up to see your hair down and her eyes widen. "Y-Y/n?! Calm down!" She says as your eyes turn red and your ears pop out of your head. Your tail pops out making mei jump back. Your eye starts twitching and you start to walk up to the window by Devon. The girl that he was with, sees you and her eyes widen. Devon turns around confused and sees you in your red panda form. You were almost the size of your mother so you were big. Your eye twitches and Mei tries to help you calm down. You reach inside and grab Devon. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!???" You yell in his face and he starts to tremble. "WE ARE OVER! YOU TRAITOR!" you almost throw him to the ground when Mei hugs your leg tightly.

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