My boy Carter😛🖤☠️||PART 2||

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First kiss
You walked up to him while he was under the bleachers and kissed him.

How you guys kiss each other and blah blah blah 😜

He looks like the guy to do butterfly kisses on your jawline then kiss you on your lips.

Fav body part

He looks like a thigh guy 🤷‍♀️

Habit that they adore

When you push people out of the way when you are walking or just out of nowhere and just run off 🏃

Jealous 👹

You were walking down the hall with your brother when Carter saw you. He didn't know that he was your brother so he didn't like the fact that Tyler's arm was around you, and that you just were on your phone. He walked up to you and pulled you away by your arm. "Hey! What's wrong with you!?" Tyler says mad because he just lost his armrest and the fact that a random guy that he didn't know just pulled you away. You looked at Carter. "Oh hey babe." You say looking back at your phone. Tyler glared at you then back at him. "Who even are you!? " He says to Carter. "No! who are you!? Your just all up on MY girlfriend!" Tyler and you looked at Carter in disgust. "EW!!" you both say at the same time, now Carter was confused. "EW! Dude that's my little sister!" Tyler says and you punch his arm. "I'm older! Mom said I was first!" You say offended. Tyler glares at you. "Not the point!" Tyler yells at you and you start to mock him.

Who said the L word first

He did

He said it randomly while you were talking, he was also staring at you dreamily.

Random headcanons

He likes to do your makeup

He has a diary

He likes to watch Disney movies after horror movies

He has heavy allergies

He can't stand spicy food

He is pansexual

He likes video games

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