Yunho - Aftercare

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The two of you fell onto your backs against the bed with heavy pants. Your chests rose and fell together as your lungs tried to regain breath from your strenuous exercise. It wasn't quite an exercise per se but it still managed to leave the two of you absolutely breathless. Beads of sweat rolled down your skin and stained the white sheets a deep grey. A few lingering tears followed suit.

"Are you alright?" Yunho turned his head to you and asked with genuine concern in his tone. He knew he got a little carried away this time. You never used the safe word, so there weren't any problems, but he still wanted to make sure you were well.

"That was" you started with a chuckle in disbelief. "We should do that again," you teased and turned your head to meet his gaze.

"I got a little carried away" he whispered through a nervous chuckle. "I hope I didn't hurt you too badly."

"No, baby, I'm okay," you reassured. The groan you let out when you shifted to your side didn't really convince him. It was pretty par for the course though, so you hoped Yunho wouldn't stress himself out.

Yunho turned to his side too to face you. His eyes scanned you up and down, admiring his handiwork with a glimmer in his eyes. When he met your gaze, he leaned in close to you. His lips pressed gently against yours, a stark divergence from his previous behavior. You couldn't help but smile against the sweet kiss, and when he pulled away, Yunho reciprocated that smile. It was that adorable puppy smile of his - the one he gave you when he was genuinely love-struck with you.

A gentle hand pushed a stray strand of hair out of your face, pulling it behind your ear. Your lips curled into a bigger smile as a soft red painted your cheeks. Yunho took a mental picture of that genuine smile you wore.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered, eyes sparkling the longer he looked into yours. His soft voice made your heart flutter in your chest. The wholesome complement coupled with that enamored look on his face filled your body with a comforting warmth. You never wanted to let go of the feeling.

"I love you," you told him. Your voice had been shaky before, but your words came out clearly this time.

"I love you too." He kissed your forehead tenderly. "I'm gonna grab some water for you and then we can hop in the shower, how's that sound?"

"Perfect," you nodded lazily.

Yunho leaned down and pressed one last kiss to your lips. "Okay. Wait here." He pushed himself off the bed and dressed his bottom half before he stepped into his slippers. They slapped against his feet as he walked out of the room to get your water.

While he was gone, you decided to examine the damage he blessed your skin with. As you thought, your neck and shoulders were completely littered with dark hickeys. It would be a pain to cover up in the morning but maybe you wouldn't even go to work. If you couldn't even sit up - your skin stung when it held your weight - maybe work tomorrow wasn't a good idea.

Yunho probably wouldn't let you go anyway.

You tried to lift yourself up on your forearms in bed, but the incessant pulsing and shaking of your muscles left you weak. So you just laid there in bed, staring at yourself in the mirror above. You had to admit, you were hesitant about the mirror when Yunho talked about it before, but now you saw the appeal.

Every so often, you would catch a glimpse of yourself when Yunho was on top of you, and the image was spectacular. Yunho always went on and on about how intoxicating you looked when he fucked you and he wanted you to see for yourself. You never even knew you were capable of pulling off such lewd expressions, but it wasn't too surprising. Yunho always knew how to make you feel good.

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