Wooyoung - Scream in the Rain

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Pitter... patter


Pitter... patter

Pitter patter pitterpatter pitterpatterpitterpatter

The rain.

Your ears opened wide to hear the soft tapping of the rain against the window of your bedroom. It was just barely audible over the sound of the music in your headphones. Immediately, a smile formed on your lips.

Your legs were weak from sleeping in a weird position under your desk, cuddled with your knees to your chest and your forehead resting gently against them. It took a moment for you to adjust to standing up. The dark room, only lit by a dim street light off in the distance, warped as you did.

The rain poured down now, creating miniature lakes in the grass in your backyard. Birds chirped to let the others know of safe havens from the downpour. Squirrels and other critters listened intently and followed suit.

While everyone took cover from the rain, every step you took led you the storm - out of your room, through the kitchen, and to the front door. Your hand moved as if on its own and twisted the doorknob open. The rain called to you like a sweet melody. The moment you stepped foot outside, it got louder, penetrating through your earbuds clearly now. The smile on your lips grew when you took that first step into the water.

Every drop flowed down your face and gently overtook remnants of tears as you looked up to the sky. They wouldn't let you keep your eyes open, though you wanted to see every drop that landed on your body. You opened your palms up to the sky and let the rain slip between your fingers. They formed pools in your palms which then accumulated to waterfalls on the concrete floor.

Your shirt and shorts immediately became heavy as they were drenched with water. Your hair was now a wet mop that fell in your face when you looked down. The rivers that ran down your body felt like someone's touch on your skin. They were comforting but something about it made you sad.
Truth was, you hadn't felt another's touch since your latest breakup. Even though it was already 6 months ago, there was that lingering feeling that ate at your soul. Something about losing a best friend, a companion, and a support system all at once was a devastating blow. It hurt more than any pain you've ever put yourself through before.

How depressing that your only companion now was the rain that reared its head very rarely anyway. Especially now that it was summer. Even the rain left you for months on end. There was really no one to rely on anymore, it seemed.

The world felt like it was caving in on you and the rain was your only escape. Quite literally a breath of fresh air to deter the panic of existential dread.

Your music stopped abruptly. You picked up your phone to check why. It was a call. Wooyoung. You rejected it. There was no energy left in your body to talk, to explain, to listen, to feel. You just wanted to lay in the rain in hopes that it would wash away the horrible feeling.

So you laid down against the wet pavement and spread out your limbs like a starfish. This was the time to try that mindfulness thing that everyone talked about. You never wanted to do it - you thought it was stupid. But why not. You'd exhausted every other option to help you feel better.

You focused on feeling the rain prick your left arm. It felt real enough - each cold drop attempting to penetrate your skin.


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