🍋 Drawn to You (America) 🍋

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Warning: Lemon 18+ NSFW! Graphic sexual content! Contains spanking, lot of cursing.

Requested by: Lollywise


"Hi Y/N! I've been watching your campaign for a while! I'm Alfred. You really love the nation, don't you? I can tell."

It was after that moment that things started to get wild for your congressional campaign. Candidates all started dropping out of the race one by one, with no explanation. 

"Well, that's one less candidate to worry about, right dude?" 

This only left you and a couple of candidates who were polling low to begin with. Naturally, you won pretty easily. But something still felt wrong about the whole thing.

"You won! I knew you would, Y/N! I never had any doubt about it. What a bunch of losers, am I right!?"

Alfred could say things that were quite mean sometimes, though you didn't think he actually meant them. You let it go most of the time. He went from just supporting you to being a close friend, and he soon became your crush. 

You couldn't explain why that was, you'd never really developed crushes so easily. You had just never been so drawn to anyone before, and of course you didn't know it, but he was drawn to you as well. You wondered if he had a girlfriend and occasionally thought about asking him to spend the night with you, in your bed.

There was just something about Alfred, something special. Soon, you found out what it was. 

"Y/N dude, I have something to tell you! I'm not just Alfred Jones... I'm America. Plot twist!"

You couldn't even think of a response when he told you and explained what he actually was. In fact, you felt a pit in your stomach. Surely you had had an unfair advantage this whole time with the literal United States of America on your side.

The issue ate at you now in D.C., a month into your term. You had tried to distance yourself from him, leaving his calls unanswered. Your voicemail filled up with message after message of him asking-- no, begging you to call him back, asking what he did for you to cut him off like this.

'Y/N! Come on, dude! Just tell me what I did and we can talk it through!'

It pained you to just ignore him, but he just wouldn't get it. You had fallen in love with a country!

You sat in your office for a while, spaced out, wondering how to address the situation. So lost in thought, you didn't hear your office door creak open. Even if you had heard it, you might not have thought anything of it at all. Congress was on break, no one was supposed to be here.

"What am I even doing? I have constituents with actual issues that need to be addressed. I can't focus on this!"

"I don't think that's any way to talk about your hero, Y/N."

You whirled around to find Alfred-- America, standing in your doorway. His arms were crossed, an upset expression on his face.

"Alfred!" You exclaimed. "I--uh"

He rushed up to you and pulled you into a huge embrace. He squeezed you tightly and it felt like he was about to break your spine.

He buried his face in your chest, filled with emotion. "Yo Y/N, for reals, why didn't you ever answer me?! How's a hero supposed to function without his best girl?! I don't know what I did, but I brought you a bunch of burgers and milkshakes to totally make up for it!"

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