Heart of Ice (Russia)

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Russian Princess Reader

Very light yandere

He remembered the first time he had ever seen her, and nothing had been the same since then. Oh, how they danced the night away, leaving all worries and concerns behind.

What a grand party the Tsar had thrown that night, not because it was different from any other ball he would hold, but because of her. She, who made her debut that night, the daughter of a minor noble family. Plenty of eyes looked upon her, and plenty attempted to dance, to court.

The dowry wouldn't be much at all, but she was still nobility. And who would pass up the youthful vigor and beauty that she radiated?

"Hello, sunflower. Let's dance." Russia commanded with a sweet smile. He was certainly strange like that, demanding something in such a sweet and unassuming tone, yet nobody dared ignore him. Everything he said carried a heavy weight. 

It was clear that she felt uneasy about dancing with him after he approached her like that. She looked away nervously and blushed, unsure of what to say, and in the end, saying nothing at all. Perhaps she hoped he would just go away.

The audience that saw the scene around them gasped, and low murmurs were heard among the crowd. Had she really ignored him? Someone of such high status?

She looked around, seeing all the eyes on her, the whispering among the nobility. Had she done something wrong?

Russia, on the other hand, did not seem to notice anything of the other people. He didn't notice anything at all, but stood there smiling, eyes locked on her, never wavering. He softly giggled. She was certainly something different, and it amused him. He truly did wish to know her.

An older woman, no doubt the young lady's mother, quickly walked up to her. 

"He has asked you to dance, a close friend of the Tsar. Take his hand, be gracious." Russia heard the woman whisper to the girl's ear. 

The girl had been staring at her feet, but slowly, she looked up at him. He could see the warmth in her cheeks and was smitten from the sight. What a precious thing. 

He took her hand and led her. It seemed like she could melt thick snow away with a single touch. 

They danced around the room, and even when the songs ended, he was determined not to let go. He did not want that warmth to leave him. He held on to her hands until the music started up again, and around and around they went. Occasionally, he would ask her questions and tell her about himself as well, though she never asked.

She did seem to enjoy herself however, though she didn't talk much. Dancing seemed to be quite freeing to her. She was in the moment shared between only them, as if this was no giant ball, but a private dance session between the two of them. 

But while Russia might've had the energy to dance all night, she didn't. She waned and became more exhausted with each song. She did not want to speak up at first, allowing him to keep dancing with her, but eventually, enough was enough. Her feet were aching.

"I'm tired of dancing." She finally spoke up after a song ended. 

Russia's smile wavered for just a moment at her words, but quickly came back. He never let her go. Instead, he tightened his grip on her hands ever so slightly, but enough for her to notice.

"I did not say I wished to stop, sunflower." He tried to lead her back into a dance. "Come, let us continue--"

"No, Ivan, I'm tired of dancing." She asserted, trying to pull away from his hands, but he refused to budge, refused to let go.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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