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jisung's alarm began to blare into the peaceful rest that he was enjoying; making him toss and turn, trying to find the source of that awful noise that was ringing so early in the morning. he groaned when he had to actually lift his head up and look to see where his phone was located.

he finally set eyes on it, across his bed and on the night stand, reaching for it and turning the sound off. he rolled back to lay on his back and massage his temples. the headache he was harvesting was killer and he thought his brain would explode from the excessive pounding.

after rubbing his eyes a few times, he finally opened them fully to actually look at the time on his phone. it was around eight in the morning and it was time for him to be getting ready for work.

and if the alarm wasn't already enough, there was now knocking on his door that made him whine with frustration. "go away!"

"ji, you need to wake up and get ready. we'll be late for work if you don't. and then both chan, and our boss, will kill us." changbin's voice sounded from the other side of the door.

jisung closed his eyes tightly, hoping changbin's sentence was just a fragment of his imagination. he didn't want to go to work today, he didn't want to do anything except lay in bed and overthink his life and everything that had happened the night before. but of course, life isn't that granting.

"okay okay.. i'll be ready in 20." he said loud enough for changbin to hear.

"alright. i'll bring you water and pain killers." changbin said before you could hear him walk away from the door.

jisung was grateful that changbin knew of the pain he was most likely enduring this morning. but of course, jisung was always the one who got the worst hangovers. it's one of the reasons why he doesn't like to drink often.

unenthusiastically, he got out of the bed to finally start getting ready.

he stretched out his tired limbs while letting out a yawn. he scratched the top of his head as he walked over to his closet, grabbing a pair of black cargo pants and a purple hoodie. also laying out a black beanie because he didn't feel like doing his hair.

after laying everything out, he made his way into the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth.

once he was in the shower with the warm water falling over his body, there was a knock on the door. "hey, i left the pills and water on your nightstand." changbin peaked his head through the door for jisung to hear him clearly.

"alright. thank you." jisung kept it at that, going back to washing his body and hair.

changbin took a second to see if jisung would say anything more, but he didn't. which was actually pretty weird for them. they usually liked to shower together. changbin had purposely skipped his shower this morning because he assumed jisung would ask for him to join. but the invitation was never offered.

he found this out of the ordinary, and his furrowed eyebrows showed just how confused he was by this. the only reason why jisung would skip on their shower together is if he really wanted to be alone. and the only times jisung really wanted to be alone was when he had something heavy weighing on his mind.

and being completely honest, jisung hadn't even realized how much was running in his head. it was like there was so much that it was like white noise at this point. so much was running around that he couldn't focus on one thing, so he just blamed it on his hangover. but he'd soon face the thoughts he was suppressing when he would take the headache medicine.

after a nice warm shower, he stepped out and brushed his hair back to brush his teeth quickly. once he did so, he left the bathroom and went straight for the water and pain killers on his nightstand. he chugged it down, letting out a sigh that he would finally get rid of the pounding in his head.

as he waited for them to kick in, he got dressed and finished off everything with some deodorant and cologne. he took one glance at himself in the mirror, and deemed himself presentable.

"you ready to go?" changbin stood in the doorway, leaning against it with his arms crossed.

jisung looked him over, observing how nice changbin's arms looked in the muscle shirt he was wearing. he decided to not say anything on it because he felt like he just shouldn't for some odd reason.

"yeah. let's go." he flashed a small smile.

changbin raised one eyebrow. jisung was definitely being weird today. changbin wore a muscle shirt just to see if jisung would give his usual reaction. but once again, jisung didn't give any attention to it. weird.

it was already a few hours into the work day. jisung's headache was gone by now, but it didn't help anything. there was something nagging at him all day. he knew what it was deep down, but he wasn't going to let it surface if he could help it.

"hey ji, it's lunch break. wanna come with us?" chan asked while removing the headphones from off his head.

"uhm.. not today. i think i'm going to work some more. thank you though." he smiled half heartedly, looking back at the screen of his computer.

chan furrowed his eyebrows and thought for a second. he didn't know if he should push it or not, but he decided the latter. "okay. well text me if you change your mind and i'll bring you something."

jisung hummed and gave a thumbs up, not really giving a reaction that proved he heard exactly.

the eldest decided to just leave jisung be. he wasn't going to push the other to say what was clearly bothering him. but i think everyone had a good idea of what was on the little squirrel's minds.

chan walked out and met up with changbin, "ji isn't coming?" changbin asked worriedly.

"nope. said he wanted to work instead. we'll just bring him back something." chan shrugged, beginning to walk out with changbin following behind.

"he's being weird today. this morning, he was just so off and i don't know what's going on or what to do."

chan let out a sigh, "bin, don't play stupid. you know what's on his mind."

changbin nodded with a sigh, "yeah... i know it's got to be about minho."


speak of the devil.

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