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jisung laid in his bed, still trying to process what the fuck that was earlier. he felt like he was dreaming. he never thought he'd see that face again. and he was overflowing with so many different emotions.

he was happy to see minho again after so fucking long, but he also felt angry. not necessarily towards minho, but towards his friends. none of them gave him a heads up that minho would be back. and that really pissed him off that they lied to him. but he was also confused. now that minho was back, what was going to happen? would they get back together or were things just too different now?

he thought back on the conversation;

"m-minho." jisung had stuttered out, too shocked from seeing the elder.

minho smiled, his kind smile that jisung had fallen so deeply for all those years ago, "how are you?"

"i-um.. i'm good. how are you?"jisung asked shyly.

"i'm great.." minho smiled.

changbin watched between the two, feeling super awkward. he was drunk and tired, he wanted to go home. also he maybe thought he might do them a favor real quick, "hey ji, i think i'm gonna throw up.. can we get home?"

"oh! of course! uhm.." jisung turned to minho with a blush, "bye min."

"bye sungie.."

end of that li'l flashback.

jisung tossed and turned in his bed, feeling excitement from seeing minho again. i wonder if he still loves me?

minho walked back into the house with a wide smile on his face that just wouldn't go away. he closed the door and leaned against it, feeling his cheeks that wouldn't stop burning up. he didn't think he'd have this reaction to seeing jisung again. he genuinely thought he was over jisung; it's been six years! also jaemin..

he pushed off the door, going into the living room to see that jaemin was still asleep on the couch. minho smiled warmly at the sight of his boyfriend's sweet sleeping face.

jaemin was his boyfriend now, and he was happy with jaemin. like really happy.

the younger had helped him out so much throughout college. jaemin was his number one supporter. and a part they left out about how they met was how jaemin was the one who was there for minho through his and jisung's break up.

that's how jaemin knew about jisung. minho would cry to jaemin about jisung, and jaemin was the one to always hold him and calm him down. jaemin was his source of comfort, and he couldn't help but begin to love him.

jaemin had become his life, and he couldn't imagine ever hurting him. jaemin had been so good to him through their whole relationship. whenever they had an argument, jaemin was the one who was mature about it and made things better.

it was almost like he was too perfect for minho.

minho bent down, brushing away a few strands of hair from jaemin's forehead, leaving a sweet peck on his forehead. he then stood up, picking up jaemin bridal style and carried him to their room.

he laid jaemin down on the bed, changing him really quick to sleep comfortably. minho then changed his clothes before joining jaemin under the covers.

jaemin automatically rolled over and snuggled into minho's side. the elder instinctively wrapping an arm around him to pull him closer.

minho watched as the younger got comfortable and went straight into a deep sleep. but he somehow couldn't?

now that he had time to think, he thought about jisung. he was so confused. he felt so in love with jaemin but when he saw jisung, his heart skipped a beat like it used to. he felt that feeling he had when he was young and in high school.

he thought for a second. maybe he was just happy to see jisung because he was his best friend and hadn't seen him in, what felt like, forever. that had to be the reason. he couldn't still have feelings for jisung, it should be impossible. right?

but he did have a lingering thought about how jisung felt... i wonder if he still loves me?

jisung woke up the next morning to changbin shaking him. he groaned, waving his hand around to make changbin go away. "leave me alone~ i wanna sleep!" he whined.

changbin shook his head, getting on top of the bed fully, and grabbing jisung to flip him over. he hovered over him and chuckled at how jisung pretended to go back to sleep.

"wake up sung. we have work in like an hour."

"nuh-uh, ion wanna go." jisung pouted, still keeping his eyes closed.

changbin rolled his eyes, leaning down, and starting to leave small little pecks all over jisung's face, "wake up before i eat you."

jisung's eyes shot open as a little giggle made it's way out past his lips, "okay, okay, i'm up. you fucking cannibal."

"i'm not a cannibal." changbin furrowed his eyebrows, "and i've eaten you up plenty of times already." he smirked, leaving light pecks along jisung's neck.

"mm yeah, whatever." jisung wrapped his arms around changbin's neck.

"okay, now get up lazy butt." changbin pulled away, lifting jisung up with him since jisung's arms were securely wrapped around changbin's neck.

"carry me to the shower." jisung mumbled.

"okay, okay.. do you mind if i join you? i haven't showered yet." changbin said, picking jisung up from under his thighs.

"mhm." jisung nodded as changbin took them into the bathroom.

changbin helped jisung strip away his clothes before doing the same. they got into the shower, jisung instantly cuddling up into changbin to feel some extra warmth.

the elder hummed, putting some shampoo into his hands before carefully massaging it into jisung's hair, making the younger hum at the nice feeling of his scalp being massaged, along with his hair being played with.

"i need to wash your body, or do you wanna do that yourself?" changbin asked gently.

"you do it." jisung mumbled.

"alright." changbin grabbed the body wash and a loofa.

as changbin began to wash jisung's body, jisung put shampoo in changbin's hair and then conditioner in his own.

once changbin was done, he began to put body wash on himself along with a different loofa, while jisung washed the shampoo and put conditioner in his hair as well.

they rinsed off and decided to stay in there for a bit longer. jisung wrapped his arms around changbin's neck, nuzzling his nose into the crook of his neck as well. changbin's arms wrapped around jisung's waist, pulling their bodies closer together.

after a few minutes, changbin began to ask jisung, "how are you feeling?"

jisung knew automatically what changbin was referring to, "i'm not sure... a bit confused i guess. i don't know what's going to happen."

changbin hummed, "i wouldn't expect much."

"what do you mean?" jisung pulled away to look at changbin.

"well... i wish i wasn't the one to tell you this, because i know how you still feel towards minho and everything.."

"bin, just spit it out. what do you mean?" jisung demanded, a slight hurt tone in his voice.

changbin bit his lip, looking at jisung. he didn't want to be the one to break it to jisung, because then he'd have to see the pain stricken reaction, "...minho.. he-he didn't come back alone."

jisung felt his heart pang but didn't want to jump to any conclusions till he heard it straight up, "m-meaning?"

"jisung..." changbin looked down, "h-he came back w-with a boyfriend.." he whispered, keeping his voice gentle.

"w-what.." jisung's heart felt like it had broken into two all over again.. he has a boyfriend...

do you still love me? | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now