chapter 7

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Mikey " what?".

Y/N smiled offering her hand." Yeah , since you look lonely and sad , you should come to my house and just cheer you up , after all". You blushed and looked away.
" after all you helped me alot....and I-its my turn now".

Mikey smiled and took your hand. You help him up. Holding his hand in yours. " Come on My Grandpa is waiting he's kinda in a rush to go buy something ".

Mikey looked shocked to see the car. " is that your car?".

Y/N " huh....oh yeah my grandpa's". We walk to.the car seeing your grandpa sitting looking like doesn't have patience. You and Mikey sat at the back of the car.

Oupa smiled and chuckled." Hey son , what's your name". Mikey smiled." My name is Manjiro Sano....but call me Mikey". Your grandpa chuckled again." Ya know kid ,you remind me of someone".

It's been a few minutes since Mikey looks comfy. You slightly touched his hand. Making his face flush pink.
" so Oupa , when did you get this car , I mean it's the 90s now and you have a 70s model?".

Your Grandfather chuckled." You see my dear , when my father was still alive , before he died I bought him this car , it's his dream car , but when he died I claimed his car as mines , but it was broken and my father drove the car really hard. So I kept this car until I could fix it , it's a thing I will never destroy and give away it's part of my father , so I can drive in this beauty".

Mikey looks excited." Wow Sir....its truly a gentleman's car to like and respect".

You Grandpa laughed loud." Look here Mikey kid , call me Grandpa , considered as my princess friend I'm your Grandpa too".

Some how you can see Mikey's eyes glistening with happiness. You looked at him seeing Mikey eyes already glued on you you blushed laughing." Ya know Mikey , Grandpa always like working with cars , he told me in his younger days her worked at a Mechanic. He worked with every moving vehicle".

Mikey looked intrested." Really so I can ask Grandpa to.fix my bike for free whenever".

Grandpa smirked." Of course,  I mean I'm retired I can't charge you for money , I don't need money , unless you want to pay".

Mikey smiled." Depends on the job you did".

Grandpa parked his car near a house that sells cigarettes. He took his money and went off to buy things. We were left alone in the car. " Mikey...". He turned to you. " yes Y/N ".

You bite your lip." I just wanna say ,that if you feel alone or bored you can always come to me or message me , I know I went with Mitsuya this morning but I felt bad not being a good friend to you". You had your hand on your chubby tummy. Feeling guilty and shy.

Mikey looked down to where your hands where and his mind immediately went to your thighs... he tried ignoring it and looked back up to you. " No actually you should know my friends too....and I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I see Mitsuya made you a Handkerchief with his and your name on it....I'm glad you two are getting along.

Mikey kept his sad and jealous smile behind. But you were innocent." Yeah hes good at these things.... I also got you something ".

Mikey's eyes looked in surprised." Here it's for you to remind you of our friendship".

You gave him handkerchief that said Mikey +Y/N on it in a cloud. The cloth was red black and white with yellow patterns. The colors on the Toman gang.

Mikey was speechless." This is nice of you its pretty".

Y/N smiled." Yeah I know , i told Mitsuya just exactly how i wanted it to be for you".

Grandpa " Hey guys....sorry to be late , the stupid asshole hadn't brought my weed early so I made a fuss". He chuckled then he looked at the two of you whose glaring in each others eyes. " Uhm Y/N !.....will you hold this for me". He handed the medium bag of weed to you.

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