chapter 8

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Waking in the morning for school it was nice. Seeing Takemichi eating breakfast. You took a quick shower.
Ate breakfast and went off with Takemichi.

Ignoring the bullies you walked by. Finally at school.
You saw students looking at you. You heard a group of girls say that you're Manjiro Gang.

After that some boys too. Some looked at you with a sadistic smirk. Those who are older than you yoo.
Takemichi whispered." It's okay Y/N-chan , I'll protect you". You looked confused." Takey I can defend myself I'm not scared of these mfs".

The while day was fine. Akkun following you and Yamagishi  is talking and laughing with you and suddenly you bumped into someone tall and a but older. He smirked and bend down to your level.
" so you're the fat bitch whose in Toman".

Akkun stepped forward." How dare you call her fat".
The dude chuckled and pushed Akkun away that he fell to the ground. Some kids stopped and watched. The others as well Takemichi stood there shivering.

Y/N smiled politely." Hmhm......I'm in Toman why you ask if you knew".

The yellow headed guy grabbed your arm and pulled you somewhere alone." Boys take care of her friends "
Takemichi shouted" Hey where you taking her".

You've been dragged around the cor or of the school with other three guys following behind." Move fat cow". He instructed.

You pinned against the wall you still smiled." So Fatie let's see if you really belong in Toman". He tried to slap you but then you grabbed his arm." I'm sorry big guy but hitting girls is not good".

He wacked his arm." Hey how dare you". He tried punching you in the face but then grabbed his fist in your chubby hand." Sorry I won't allow any boy to touch me". With that he kicked you in the stomach. He laughed

" maybe if we kick your cow stomach you'll lose weight". You bed down and he grabbed your hair and pulled your head up seeing your face with no smile.
" Are you done now?". You asked. " huh?".

You knocked his head with yours ,  leaving him loose grip. You held his collar and punched him in the face pushing him against the wall with strength like his a piece of paper. Punches after punches in the face blood  droplets on your face he fell down on the ground making you stop." Don't you dare touch me again  and my friends"

You heard a small  get her    seeing the three boys go forward. You chuckled grabbing one boy by the shirt and threw him against the wall like he weighed nothing seeing him collapse on the other dude

A stupid dickhead with a cigarette in his mouth you kicked him then punched him that his tooth came out. Asking for forgiveness he ran away

You smiled.  " oh you're the last one ,  your still ganna call me a fat cow"?.

" No NO NO I'm sorry please I'm sorry ". He ran away lucky you picked up a kife that fell out of those boys pockets and threw it in his shoulder the he fell and cried in pain

Y/N " Gosh I think I did too much".

Without you knowing Takemichi and his friends saw the while fight. With wide mouths and eyes.  You smiled waved hi to them.

Makoto" Geez Takemichi, you're little sister is crazy she fights with a smile on her face and there even blood"

Takemichi shrugged." That's who she is now,  I. Glad shes not sad now ,  if she was those boys would have killed her by now".

With that you walked to Takemichi with a mouth of blood and your eyebrow is bleeding with a scratch mark on your chubby cheek. " Hey Takemichi I'm going home , I need to be alone"

chubby reader x Lonely MikeyWhere stories live. Discover now