My Dilemma - Chapter 7

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Thank You! I appreciate every votes and comments!:) I love you guys.

And advance apologies for the short update. It is Valentines tomorrow, and I just want to give you guys some present. And here it is, an update. Lol!

I am so happy to reach my goal for the last chapter sooner as I expected it to be. So thank you everyone for your patience, cooperation, and everything. XD

Don't forget to Vote and Comment for this chapter!


~ xoxo / sweetserenityy

Ehleyn's POV:

Today is the first day of camp. I wasn't feeling okay last night. I slept early thinking of the possibility that I might get well soon in the morning.

But the worst part is, when I woke up, I don't feel well. And I felt worse.

My throat is so sore that I don't want to speak. But anyhow, I managed to call Chloe. She might be at school right now. And probably, waiting for me. And because of this sickness, I can't join our first camp! This is the activity I am most excited to experience! Since we are also graduating students, I will never experience it. FEVER SUCKS. SORE THROAT SUCKS. MY COUGH SUCKS. I SUCK.

After calling Chloe, I managed to stand.

I felt dizzy when I stood up.

I went outside my room. And as usual, i saw no one around.

I am always alone. And will always be. That's why knowing that Chloe will be on the camp, and I'll be alone here as usual, it makes me sick even more.

*Ding Dong*

I heard the doorbell rang. I rushed through our front door. And was shock to see Louis once I opened the door.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked curiously. It's already 7:30 AM. And they should be gone to the campsite now.

"I heard from Chloe that you were sick. I got worried. So I went here. Well, I hope you don't mind."

I didn't respond. I didn't know what to say. I am totally shocked seeing him here.

"Btw, how are you doing? You look really pale."

"Well, I can't say that I am perfectly fine. And oh, get in." I stepped aside and swayed my hands telling him to enter. He did what I told him to do so.

"Why are you here? Why aren't you in the camp?"

"Well, honestly, I just decided to join the camp because you were excited about it. You talk about it everytime. And if I join there without you, I will really feel bad."

"I feel bad right now too." I paused.

"Not because I am sick. But because you didn't join the camp. And because of that, you have to do a special project. Because of me." I gave a soft sigh. And said the last words faintly.

"I don't care about that special project. Atleast, if you need to do it, I will be doing it too. With you. By that, it will be easier. Right? :D "

I didn't respond. I just walked to the kitchen to prepare some foods for him. I think it is better to be with him anyway, than to be alone here.

"And I heard from Chloe that you are alone here most of the time." I turned my back to face him and saw him leaning on the kitchen door. He said those words as if reading my thoughts.

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