My Dilemma - Chapter 5

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Ehleyn's POV:

I stood up and I walked ahead and Louis is following me. He is already wearing his football jersey with it's number 17.

"BEST!" I screamed. They should be used with my screaming cause I scream every now and then whenever I see something exciting, thrilling, or whatsoever random stuff. Chloe gets really irritated with me sometimes. But, she got used to it. XD

"BRO." Louis greeted Zayn and they did a friendly SLASH brotherly shakehand. Which only their group knows. It's hard for me to describe it. So you better imagine their shakehand yourself ^______________^v

"Where have you been? You're being rude you know?" She said.

"Rude? When did I become rude?"

"Just a moment ago. I was asking where are you then you suddenly hung up."

"I said I needed to go right?"

"Ehleyn. Maybe you can sit down first. And stop arguing. Haha! You girls are silly." Zayn said.

And then I realized that until now I am still standing. So I sat beside Chloe leaving some spaces between us. Louis placed his gym bag beside me, actually inbetween Chloe and I. Then they were called by Niall and said they'll start the practice.

Zayn and Louis bid goodbye. Chloe and I just sat quietly there seeing them walking towards the field.

I don't consider it as an argue at all. Cause after a minute or two, we will be okay and will be talking about random stuffs again.

"I always see that blonde guy. In the practice, and in Physics. But I don't know his name." Chloe asked me breaking the silence. See? I told you. We can't stand on hating each other FOREVER.

"Niall. His name is Niall. Seriously Chloe. You don't know his name?"

I saw her she did a small nod.

"You're really weird you know. You can't remember their names. Good thing you can remember and familiarize their faces. Or else, you will be considered being an alien by then. Haha!"

"He was our classmate last year in Arts. He's the first guy I knew in the football team."

"How did you know him?"

"He was Austin's friend in Middle School. You remember Austin right?"

 "I do. He's your first. Uh." I think she doesn't want to continue it. She think I might get hurt if she continue to mention what he was to me BEFORE.

"First Boyfriend, First Love, First HEARTBREAK." I smiled

"It's okay Chloe. I am over it." 

She smiled and she hugged me tight.

"Good to hear that. I don't wanna see the face you had when you cry for ages because of him. I hate to think that you will never love again after that incident."

After hearing what she said, my thoughts were suddenly filled by the time when it all happened. But this time, I'm no longer affected and I don't feel any pain at  all. One good sign that I already move on :)



"Please Austin. We can work this out. Please. Just say that you still love me"

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