Sweet Bites

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Rosé Pov 

"Chaeyoung you can still save him...only you" y/n's father tells you in serious voice. You have a lot of thoughts running in your mind but they all were pushed away when y/n's father knelled beside you and took your hands in his. "Listen to me Chaeyoung...you can save him, trust me" you look in his eyes which are pleading to you "H-how" you said "Make him a vampire" those words made everyone in the surrounding gasp heavily. "A-appa w-what if i-i mess i-it up" you continue asking because you wanted him to be safe. 

"Clam down Chaeyoung, you and y/n have a connection between you. You both are made to be together...only you can make him a vampire. That's the only way to save him" he said looked straight into my eyes. You believed the first few lines what he said but it was hard when you were told to make him a vampire. It was hard for you to bite your own lovers skin. 

"Chaeyoung you can do it...please for y/n...for my son" he pleaded to me finally i understood he was telling right. Who would kill his own son, he wanted to save him too so he believed in me. I took a deep breath as Ms. Oh tells everyone to close their eyes and i started taking bits of my lovers skin. Slowly as tears flow from my closed eyes i bite his neck then his arms/veins. After we were done we all went back to y/n's father's house. 

BTS were told to go to the hospital because they had cuts over their bodies and also they were humans she they couldn't handle the pain. Y/n was layed inside one of the guest rooms of the house and al the blackpink girls rested on the couch area while Ms. Oh and Y/n's Father. I went over y/n's father and asked "H-how long will it take him to wake up" with hope shining in my eyes i asked him he looked at me and said "Dont worry let him rest" he kissed my forehead and i hugged him as i cried in his arms. 

After y/n got close to his father me and y/n's father also became close, our relation was like real daughter and father. Mr. Kim aka Y/n's father always told me he saw his daughter in me which he always wanted but after Mrs. Kim died his hope of a daughter died too. He calls himself blessed to meet me and accept me as his daughter and future daughter-in-law. 

"A-appa i-i really l-love y-y/n" i said as i continued sobbing in his arms. The girls smiled a little seeing the relation between me and Y/n's father even Ms. Oh did. 

After waiting for some more time doctor came outside, "How's my son Mr. Choi?" y/n's father asked in hurry. "Nothing to worry he's awake and he's still a hybrid he will take 1 - 2 hours to turn into a full vampire" we all nod and sigh in relief. "Please dont hurry to meet him Mr. Kim as his father why dont you go inside first" The doctor said and he left. Rather then going inside y/n's father called me and asked me to meet him first "B-but a-appa y-you go inside f-first" i say softly "No you should be the one going inside after seeing how much worried you were for him, go inside first Chaeyoung" he smiled genuinely. 

I opened the door and stepped inside and closed it behind me. My eyes slowly glanced towards a man who was sitting on the bed. I went near the man and finally his eyes met mine, i stared his eyes as saw how they were slowly turning red and his fangs growing. "Rosie..." he paused "Are you okay?" those were the only words came out from his mouth. 

After talking with him for sometime my heart finally clamed down. I left the room because Ms. Oh suggested me to get fresh. Until that Ms. Oh and Y/n's father were inside with y/n. 

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