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Rosé Pov

While we were introducing I smelled was blood, the same smell i had yesterday. Yes, we can ofcourse smell the blood of humans, they all have different smells and tastes. When i moved my head towards the direction i saw 'him'. 

We went to our places and sat and the class began. 

2 hours later (4 lectures were done)

It was finally break time. "Finally we can get some food, Some food!!" lisa said as she got up from her bench. "Lets go early so we could get place" jennie unnie said while she kept her things. While we were walking Lisa and Jisoo unnie kept asking questions to jennie unnie about her ideal type, why did i think that they might like jennie unnie. 

When we entered the canteen we saw students giving us place by shifting. It was great to be famous "Ahh mine already looks delicious" jisoo unnie said while carrying her tray "Unnie but its not chicken" Lisa said "Lisa-yahh i can like other thing too beside c-h-i-c-k-e-n" Jisoo unnie said. They are always like this i sigh. While we all were digging in our food suddenly Lisa asked "Chae, what about the boy you told us?" which made the other 2 girls jennie and jisoo unnie look at me. My eyes widen and my mind was finding an answer. 

But then again the same smell of blood came near my nose. But this time it was strong why?. Without answering the questions of the girls I started thinking why would it be, until i realized the smell was strong because maybe the person was bleeding. OH SHOOT!?!? 

I stood up from the table and followed the smell without telling the girls where i was heading to. I could hear their voices faint as i stepped out from the canteen. I kept on walking and the smell became more strong until i heard a mans voice 

"That's what you get for messing with me"    

Y/n Pov

During the break i was again dragged by Park Chanyeol and his gang. Park Chanyeol, Kai and Sehun were my bullies my hyungs were always worried because i often got bullied and i couldn't hit back. 

Chanyeol grabbed my collar and dragged me toward an empty hallway, and pushed me towards the wall. "Didn't i tell you to complete my assignment??" he asked me while his grip was tight on my shirt collar. "DIDN'T I TELL YOU, ANSWER ME" he punched me hard in my stomach. Again i didn't dare to hit him. 

"Lets teach him a lesson boys, BIT HIM UP"  he ordered Sheun and Kai and they 3 started beating me. Chanyeol and his friends were in the Football team so whenever they kicked me it hurt. I almost threw out all the blood i had because of the kicks. I kept on throwing out blood until i fainted. 

All i knew before fainting was someone voice "HEY LEAVE HIM ALONE"... 

Rosé Pov

They kept on kicking the boy until he spilled pools of blood coming out from his mouth and cuts all over his body. "HEY LEAVE HIM ALONE"  I said approaching to them. "WAIT, WHAT?? ITS PARK CHAEYOUNG!!!" One of the 3 boys said and they all bowed at my presence. 

"What were you doing to him??" I asked them and they all started to shutter. "C-chan l-lets leave" one of them said and they all ran away leaving me and 'his' body. I bent down and saw he had fainted and there were a lot of cuts and bruises on his body. "Chaeyoung-ahh where were yo-, What happened" Lisa came and saw the boy lying unconsciously on the floor. 

"I'll tell you everything, first lets take him to the medic room" lisa nodded and we helped the boy to reach the medic room. While me and lisa were waiting outside Jisoo unnie and Jennie unnie came towards us. "Gosh where did you girls go all of a sudden" jennie unnie asked and lisa told her the whole thing. "Aww i fell sad for the boy" jisoo unnie said and we all nodded. 

"But chae, how did you know he was being hit by someone?" jennie unnie asked and they all looked at me hoping i would answer. "Uhm...remember i told you about the boy who saved me was him" i said in a low tone. "But how chae, how did you know he was being hurt by others" lisa asked "His blood smell, earlier i smelled it in our class too maybe we are in the same class" i said looking at the floor. 

"So are you going to wait for him to wake up?" jisoo unnie asked and i nodded  "I would wait but i need to attend math class, students told the math professor looks hot" lisa said "but he looks good too" i mumbled under my breath. "Did you say something Park Chaeyoung?" Jennie unnie asked raising her eyebrow . "N-no" i said and they all left me alone sitting on the benches. 

15 minutes later 

" Oh girl you're still sitting here, dont you have classes?" the nurse asked me. 

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