Chapter one

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She awoke from her luxurious bed, the red duvet covers covering her slim body.
Her similar facial expression of a mixture of revulsion and anger hung on her face. She was cold as ice, never had warmed to anybody.
'Handmaid!' She viscously ordered. The chubby petit handmaiden rushed to clothe Talisa.
Talisa's raven black hair lay low and her hazel eyes looked purely evil.
'there's a package for you in the mailbox,' the handmaiden said
'Well then get it for me!' Talisa snapped. The handmaiden jumped at her sharp voice and ran to get it.
Talisa admired her beauty in the mirror, she was stunning no doubt about it. Every man in the kingdom dreamed about sharing her bed but many were more fearful of the vicious words that escaped her mouth.
'It's a gift from your uncle,' the hand maiden said handing Talisa a golden box.
As Talisa opened it the handmaiden combed her shiny hair.
She read the note that was attached to the present.

Dear Talisa,
It is your 21st birthday next week, so I present you with this necklace. Inside the gems hold the deadliest poison. Remember what I said, your enemies will always be ready for your sword and shield but poison...well poison can trick almost anybody.
You rule the kingdom well and I am proud of you every day.
Love your uncle Peter.

The necklace intrigued her, even the handmaiden stopped combing Talisa's hair because of the green of the necklace. It was brighter than anything Talisa had ever seen, it was bright and emerald and when she put it on she felt more powerful than she already was.
It's green colour was due to the venomous poison. She stated at herself in the mirror and smirked.

'Queen Talisa your highness,' the royal court bowed as Talisa walked down the stairs. She rolled her eyes everywhere she went the same meaningless introduction. She rudely walked past them. She wore her green dress to match the necklace.
'Water your highness?' A quivering servant asked, Talisa hastily grabbed the cup and slurped down the water and rudely threw it back to the servant.
She sat her long table made out of the finest oak. She stared at the people of the palace, they all looked at her with fear in their eyes. They watched her cautiously as if they were scared of her next move. As if she was a wild animal that had to be tamed.
None of these people are my friends, if I wasn't the queen they would execute me.Talisa thought. She shrugged, she didn't care. She didn't need anyone in this world as long as she had this golden crown on her head she was fine being independent.
She had tanned skin, her parents come from Egypt and Persia, she had always been proud of her roots yet she never really got in touch with her mother's Persian side as she died giving birth to Talisa.

'Your highness I am sorry about disturbing you but the royal council would like to have a meeting,' a quivering squire said whilst Talisa ate her breakfast on the long table all alone.
'In a minute!' She snapped
'Forgive me, Queen they insisted it was urgent,'
'I said in a minute! You dumb fool! Leave!' She shouted throwing a piece of bread at the scared squire.
She chuckled to herself when he left.
She looked out the window which overlooked the whole kingdom, it was a glorious view of every tree and every lake in the kingdom. Her face appeared on flags amongst the kingdom.
'My Queen,'
Talisa turned around and saw Amelia, her usual handmaiden and right wing women.
Amelia was the closest thing Talisa had to a friend, Amelia shared Talisa's horrifying thoughts and they both generally were horrible human beings.
'Thank god you are here, I was left with that chubby fool, where were you this morning?' Talisa said grinning at Amelia.
Amelia originally was forced to be a servant after her family were sentenced to prison for theft, when Talisa was 12. They grew up like sisters.
'I am sorry your highness but-' Amelia said looking down.
Talisa looked out of the window and laughed softly to herself.
'You slept with Percy!' Talisa cackled.
Amelia blushed.
'You slept with the quivering young squire that just came in here,' Talisa cackled.
'He isn't that young he's our age,' Amelia said.
'Come to think of it he is quite good looking,' Talisa said
'Really?' Amelia said hopefully
'Well for you,' Talisa said. Amelia looked down.
'Oh god Amelia you have to help me,' Talisa moaned.
'Whats the problem your highness?'
'I haven't had good sex in such a long time,'
Amelia laughed.
'I need someone to fuck me like the mean it, someone really good looking there are no real good looking people I. This damn kingdom they are all old fuckers!'
'Careful your highness someone may hear,' Amelia giggled
'Oh and who will tell me off?! I'm the fucking queen!' Talisa laughed.
Talisa got up and sighed 'I have to go to the damn royal court meeting now, I will see you later Amelia,'

'Your highness,' the royal court said bowing as she walked into the meeting room.
'What is the problem, let's make this quick,' Talisa snapped
'Err your highness please sit down,'
Talisa sat.
'Theres a group of young rebels that were found saying treasonable things about the realm and especially about you Talisa,'
'Are they arrested?' Talisa asked
'Ofcourse your highness,'
'Then why is this meeting happening? Execute them! That's the price for bad mouthing the queen,' Talisa said looking at her nails.
'They have the right to a trial, your highness, with the queen present,'
Talisa sighed.
'When will the trial occur?' She snapped
'Midday,' the queen's adviser Poucell said. He was an old man with a stubbed beard.
'I don't think it is wise to execute them,'
'Why not execution is a good deterrence no one will speak bad of me again!' Talisa said
'They are only eighteen year olds,' Poucell said
'Then what?!' Talisa shouted
Poucell attempted to calm her down.
'Why don't you see their trial and judge for yourself what you shall do with them,'

~ in the dungeons ~
The group of four eighteen year old rebels sat in despair in the dreaded dungeons. Where rats scurried along the floors and it smelt like sewage. Where it was almost completely dark. Darius, Theo, Sam and Luke felt like they had been in these dungeons for eternity when it had only been about 12 hours.
'You think queen Talisa will show us mercy?' Theo quivered. He was the youngest of the group. Was terrified.
'the queen who is nicknamed bloody Talisa because of her lack of mercy...I don't think so,' Sam retorted
Theo quivered.
'Dont say that!' Darius said
'Why not?! What's wrong with the truth!' Sam shouted.
'We should have not said any of those things!' Luke said, fear oozing out of his voice.
'But we did,' Darius said.

There was a long deafening silence.
'They call her the snake aswell,' like said
'She has venomous qualities,'
'Is it bad that at the same time of absolutely despising her I sort of want to sleep with her aswell,' sam said

'Please shut up,' Darius said
'Just trying to lighten the mood, this is most likely our final moments,' sam said
'Dont say that!' Theo said, tears flowing down his eyes.
'She is a beauty though, everyone knows that,' Luke said
'A beautiful monster,' Darius summed up.

The bells rang and the guards came and took the boys to the courtroom on the way the boys looked fearful.
'Time for your execution - oops I mean trial,' the guard viciously laughed. Darius, luke and sam were putting on brave faces but theo was crying like a baby.

The queen sat on her throne, her advisors and Amelia sat besides her.
'Please queen try and show mercy' Poucell begged.
'Whatever' Talisa said
'Bring in the boys! And let the trial begin!' Queen Talisa ordered

A/n I am so excited for this story, it will be sexy and really good! Please vote xx

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