Sequel/Author's Note

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Hey guys what's going on

Wow, I never thought I would be making another chapter on this story whoa

Anyway, I have finished editing this story and thought I should say some things

One, there IS a sequel to this, and it's called Thorns and Roses.

I guess I should have said that a while ago huh?

And second, thanks for reading this terrible book oml

Like, I cringed so hard while editing this. It has so many plot holes, everything moves too quickly, a lot of it wouldn't make sense in real life, and just in general it's not good

But hey, I was like 12 when I wrote this and I've become a better writer in my own opinion

Even though it's almost been a year since I've published this, I've changed as a writer and as a person too.

So yeah, thank you for following this cringe worthy journey that is Flowers and Jeans

I can assure you that Thorns and Roses is A LOT better than this (And I add some more feels huehue)

So yeah, thank you!


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