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They've been doing the same thing every day on repeat for 4 years. Like a perfect record stuck on repeat. Evelyn and Harper hated it. They were forced to let it play out, or else they might see something worse than death. The students never dared to talk about the punishments. It was forbidden. A lot of things were.

The schedules were almost as strict as the teachers at Brooklyn's School of Intelligence for Young Girls. Everything was precise, everything was in order. There were no slip-ups, and if there were slip-ups, they were instantly removed. They didn't accept mistakes; they didn't give pity. Miss Pandora expected the best and only took the best. And so that's what she got.

The best.

It has been this way for as long as Evelyn and Harper could remember. From the moment their parents left them there. That is saying a lot considering that was 6 years ago. 6 years in the single worst place on the planet. It said little to Harper and Evelyn; they hadn't been to too many other places in their life.

A tiny high-pitched bell rang, waking the students for a breakfast like every morning. Harper groans and rolls on her side, ignoring the ringing, only for a moment before she remembers she isn't in her comic book world, as she did most evenings. "I swear it rings earlier every morning," she says rolling herself in the single blanket she has on her bed, covering her face from the morning sun.

The door opens revealing Evelyn with damp hair and a towel in hand like she did every morning. She had come back from the showers after her regular morning run, to not only get ready but to drag her twin sister out of bed.

"Get up, we have to be on time today holgazán," Evelyn mutters as she goes to grab clean clothes, smiling at her sisters' oblivion to the name. Lazy bum,

"What's wrong?" Harper says she rolls over. "You don't like being late for a week straight cuz of your super awesome sister?" She smirks under the blanket.

"I'd rather not spend my free period writing lines for the next month, Hermanita, thanks." She says sarcastically before she walks into her closet to change into her uniform. Ignoring the groan from her twin. Little sister,

"Little sister? Please. By 21 minutes and 6 seconds, abruti" Harper rolls her eyes but laughs and throws the blanket off of her legs, and gets started with the day. She begins to scramble around the room looking for her schoolbag of course. She had lost it, five minutes before curfew. Jerk


Though she was now dressed and hungry, she needed her school bag full of her collections and tools for picking locks and such, pockets and the occasional desk drawers. She didn't dare yell down the hall to where Evelyn was in the bathroom, so she rummaged around instead.

Evelyn comes back into the room in her school uniform and walks over to her desk where she left her bag the night prior. Completely ignoring her sister frantically rushes around the room, and she begins her way toward breakfast.

"Finally Achtung, where's my bag?" Harper rushes into Evelyn, calling her by the nickname she adored for her sister, with it meaning 'danger'. She sounded almost out of breath as Evelyn pushed her sister off her and continued out the door.

"It's on the floor at the end of your bed." She said plainly and closed the door behind her as she walked towards the cafeteria.

"There's no way-" She pauses, looking right at her bag. "beängstigend" She shakes her head and grabs her bag and runs after her sister, watching carefully to make sure that there are no mistress's insights. Scary

Once she was sure the coast was clear she began to jog to the cafeteria. Arriving she scans the small crowd of girls, a few moments later spotting Evelyn sitting in her usual spot in the back with a book in hand waiting for her.

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