IX: Expect The Unexpected

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They got here first. Evelyn and Harper are seated in a cafe across the street from the shop where they are keeping the Alien Technology. Only problem was that there were agents parked down the street and in the building to the right of the cafe the twins were seated in now. They knew if they moved first. Dead.
It was a waiting game.
They had been assigned to steal the technology from an attack on New York that happened a few months prior. Of course the twins hadn't heard that a giant alien army attacked until then, the red room never told the widows of what was happening in the outside world. They didn't want them being distracted. In their mission files they had discovered that these people had been selling weapons using the alien tech. They were to steal what they could get. No witness or hostiles. Kill anyone who got in the way or could pose a potential threat.

Evelyn and Harper were seated across from each other, talking about all the new things they have learned since being out in the world since they were 11 years old, at the same time as glancing over each other's shoulders constantly and making mental notes of the agents so close by it sent a shiver up Harper's spine of the thrill, but it set Evelyn off, made her hyperaware.

"-I know I said I looked fabulous, but look at me now! In color! No longer all black, we look fantastic, like the girls in those magazines and on the covers of the movies and books Eve!" Harper says excitedly, constantly touching the new clothes they had received for their missions to blend in. She was wearing light blue jeans and white top and white sneakers, she was beyond thrilled.

Evelyn smiled up at her sister, she knew she was being quiet. But she was too focused on her surroundings. They had been sitting in this coffee shop for 57 minutes now. Neither of the agents had moved. She had watched a news broadcast on the plane ride here all about the incident in New York. They had mentioned that the government had it handled, she had spotted the same agents who were here now in this podcast.
They couldn't wait around forever. They had a deadline.
"Мы должны двигаться. Устранить угрозы и продвигаться вперед." Evelyn says in the calmest tone she can muster so it wouldn't alarm any of the people in the cafe. There were 6 people to be exact. Including the staff. We need move now, elimnate the threats and move forward.

"Сейчас? Ни один из них не переехал. И мне очень нравится сидеть здесь. Солнце согревает меня в своем сиянии." Harper says, closing her eyes and soaking up the sunlight with a smug smile on her face.  Now? Neither of them have moved. And I'm quite enjoying sitting here. The sun is keeping me warm in its glow.

"Теперь, Хапер. Я возьму человека, который прячется. Я хочу, чтобы ты подошел к их укрытию, поискал через задний ход и приготовился к встрече агентов в машине. Они приедут, хорошо?" Evelyn says her voice coming out in more of a hushed whisper as she leaned forward making eye contact with her sister so she understands  how serious she is being. Now, Haper. I'll take the man hiding. I want you to walk over to their hideout and sneak through the back and get ready for the agents in the car. They'll come okay?

"Верно. Да, на нем." Harper laughs then rolls her eyes at her sisters then drops the humor and stands up from her chair and walks past Evelyn and across the street, looking both ways. Then she walks around the building and into the alley behind the buildings. Right, yep. On it.

Evelyn grabs cash out of her back pocket leaving it on the table. When she first walked into the cafe she had gone to the bathroom to check for windows in case things went south. There was a window that led to a back alley. She would use that to get into the building the agent was sitting in.
Evelyn stands up and walks into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. She drops her bag onto the ground, unzipping it and pulling out her handgun and stuffing it into her waistband. She slides her knife into her boot and then quickly pulls her hair up before she proceeds to the window leaving the nearly empty bag behind as she slips into the alley way. She walks down to the building and begins to search for possible entrances. Lucky for her, there is a front door. She walks up to it, grabs the handle. Locked, of course. She quickly looks around for some sort of thin nettle to pick it with.
She would not be forgetting a lock pick next time.
She finds a paperclip lying next to some plastic and quickly picks the lock. Evelyn grabs out her gun and keeps it in the ready.
This is too easy, she thought to herself.
She walks into the nearly empty building. There is nothing here. Looks like it's been abandoned for years. She continues to walk through the building silently as she approaches the stairs. He is on the 3rd floor. She silently rushes up the stairs until she reaches the top floor. She scans the room looking for him. She moved further and further into the room.
There's no way he got away, Evelyn told herself
She reaches the window, searching for their sister. All of a sudden she feels large hands around her throat. Her gun dropped to the ground out of surprise. Her eyes widen in shock as she begins to struggle to breathe for what seems like hours before she returns to her senses and quickly wraps her leg under his ankle and launches him forward over her back causing him to let go of her as he is thrown into the window. Cracking the glass. He retaliates quickly and swipes her legs from underneath her. She falls and hits the ground hard yet she doesn't waste a second to scramble to her feet. She runs at him, her quick recovery taking him by surprise. SHe jumps up wrapping her legs around his neck and with a swing motion that sends him hurtling to the ground. She rolls off him and stands sending a hard quick to his throat. He lets out a choked sound in return and Evelyn quickly takes a step back and grabs her gun on the ground and aims it at the man and she stops when she really looks at him.
He's just a kid. Probably the same age as her.
She also noticed the logo on his jacket.
She just stared at the boy whose eyes were wide with fear. She didn't even remember pulling the trigger or even lifting the gun to his head. It was like someone else was controlling her. She had just killed him. Killed another.

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