VII: Never let it get personal

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  -9 Months later-

"Сегодня мы работаем над твоей способностью сражаться. Без современного оружия. Это очень важно, и если вы каким-то образом окажетесь там без своего оружия, вы должны уметь победить их. Вы должны победить. В любой ситуации и любым способом. Вы - вдовы, и должны вести себя и сражаться соответственно" The intruster explains. Yelena and the twins give each other a worried look. All have the same question in mind. What kind of weapons? Today, we are working on your ability to fight. Without modern-day weapons. This is very important out there, and if somehow you find yourselves out there without your weapon of choice you need to be able to beat them. You need to win. In every way and situation. You are widows, you need to act and fight like it.

Evelyn scans the room counting for what feels like the hundredth time since she stepped foot in this cruel place. They walked in here with 15 from Broklyn's School of Intelligence for young girls. There are 9 of them now. 6 dead. All by our forced hands. She couldn't help but ask herself how many would die today.

The group itself had 23 widows. There were 45 when we got here. The thought itself sent a cold shiver down her spine.

There's nothing you can do, she tells herself, you can't save anyone

She would be lying if she said she wasn't sick of telling herself that. She wanted to save them, to get everyone out and never look back. She knew Harper did too. But they both knew that if they tried it would only get not only everyone killed but themselves too.

"Здесь есть 4 различные станции. На каждой из них вас разделят на группы. Вы не уйдете, пока не победите своего противника. Как сочтете нужным. У нас есть станции для всех следующих предметов: топор, мачете, трезубец и кнут. Не позволяйте переходить на личности." The instructor continues, and the twins' blood runs cold. And by the look on Yelena's face, they know she feels the same way. They wouldn't do what deems necessary. They were not killers. Not yet. They still have that part of them. They had not taken that yet. There are four different stations. At each of them, you will be divided into groups. You will not leave until you have defeated your opponent. As you see, I deem it necessary. We have stations for all of the following items: axe, machete, trident, and whip. Do not allow personalities to get in the way.

Eveylyn turns to Harper just as Harper turns to Eveylyn. "They can't keep up here forever. We keep them entertained but not too entertained. They can't be too bored that we get punished, only bored enough to let us leave." Harper nods, already looking pale in the face with fright. Evelyn hides well but she also is scared this plan of hers won't work and something much worse than she can imagine will happen. She has a bad feeling it won't work, but provokes something worse. Much, much worse.

Little did she know, she was right.

They were all separated. All three of them. They had never bothered with other people, knowing it was just a risk of distraction and heartache. People died all too often here.

Harper started at the axe station, Yelena at the whip station and Evelyn at the machete. They'd never used these weapons before. They knew that. Of course that didn't stop them. Nothing usually did. They all stood at the backs of the line watching the other widows, learning, taking notes, of the mistakes and the good doings. If they hadn't been trained to have an expression that gave away nothing. They would have been crying. They watched the widows hurt each other to the point where they could no longer lift their heads to see if their opponent would end it all. They watched it again and again.

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