VI: Leotard Capricorn

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Neither of the twins has spoken since it happened. No one blamed them either, it was normal in the Red Room, of course, but neither one of them had killed someone, until now, and neither of them expected it to be Harper, especially her. Evelyn knew not talking and just watching was a good strategy to get more information in, which was always a good thing in their situation, but, she missed hearing her sister rant, oddly, even if it annoyed her, she still missed her sister's bubbliness, it was gone now, shot down like it was never there.

Evelyn didn't know what to do. Should she say something? Does she want to be alone? She didn't know. And that scared her, for once in her life she didn't know what to say to her sister. It was not a good feeling.

Oh for heaven's sake Evelyn pull yourself together, she scolded herself.

"I don't think of you any different, Harper." She said, her gaze set on the wall in front of her. Harper looked up at her waiting for her to continue. " It's not your fault, it's theirs. It always is, you know that."

"I still did it," Harper said quietly, head hung low. "No matter what you or anyone says."

"Did you want to kill her?" Evelyn asked, finally meeting her gaze. She said it in the tone of voice you would use to prove that you were right.

"No, I needed to win. So, I did, at the cost of someone's life. Not much of a win." Harper's hands covered her face, she was tired. She couldn't so much as close her eyes without seeing the girl she killed, all for acceptance from The Red Room.

"You didn't want to kill her. There's a difference between a killer and you. A killer wants to kill, and wants their target dead. You didn't, it was either she died or you. There was no other choice. You can't beat yourself up over that. It's pointless."

"Great, I'm not a complete killer, yet," Harper says sarcastically.

After a moment of silence, Evelyn sighs and says "Sure we'll go with that," now her sister begins to laugh at her.

"I didn't know you could be so funny, wow, maybe if we make it out of here you can pursue a comedy career." Harper rolls her eyes at the ridiculousness of her sister. "Идиот" She sighs in annoyance. (Idiot.)

"I would sue you for public harassment," She deadpanned, sliding under the covers.

"Real mature, Старшая сестра." (Big sister)

"I thought so," Evelyn says before she turns away from her sister. Harper hides a laugh into her pillow.


"You know I could have beaten you if it wasn't for the gun. That was so unfair!" Yelena exclaims as she approaches our table the next morning. Evelyn rolled her eyes at this.

"You tell yourself that," Evelyn says as she pokes her fork into her eggs.

"You're both over-confident," Harper comments to no one in particular. Evelyn just laughs quietly under her breath.

"I don't think so. I could beat both of you in a fight any day." Yelena claims proudly, Evelyn and Harper exchange a look and burst out laughing. "You're laughing now, but just you wait- Where are you going?" She calls after the two girls standing up.

"It's 7:05, Yelena," Evelyn pointed out as her sister nodded in agreement.

"We have to get down to the ballet or he'll have our heads," Harper explains with a smile on her face. Yelena just whines and reluctantly follows the girls out of the cafeteria.

The girls both laugh at their blonde friend. They begin to discuss how the ballet instructor looks as though he hasn't smiled once in his lifetime. They smile and laugh the whole time. This is when Evelyn realizes that even though just the other night Harper had been forced to take a girl's life they were happy. Not because the previous night's events didn't weigh heavily on their shoulders. But because Yelena made them forget. So maybe she's not so bad after all.

For the first time in her life, Evelyn admitted that she was wrong. Yelena was a friend, not an enemy.


"-and I was dating that Leotard Capricorn man from that magazine Ms Pandora was reading and-" Yelena cut Harper off before she could continue sharing her dream.

"You were not."

"Yeah no way he's into brunettes" Evelyn added moving off the floor of the dormitory, onto the bed next to Yelana who shot her a 'what are you on about?" look.

"That's where your head went?"

"Hey! It was a valid statement!" Evelyn defended herself before Yelana burst out laughing.

" Yeah, right dumba-"

"Hey! What's wrong with being a brunette? I'm a brunette and I'm fabulous!" Harper says fanning herself with her hand and batting her eyelashes to Evelyn and Yelena and they all burst out into laughter. Harper turns her body from her spot on the floor to lean on her bed behind her.

"What about blondes? Barbie owns the world."

"What the heck is a Barbie?" Harper asks eyebrows knitted together in confusion. They just laugh at her and give each other a knowing look.

"It's a one-eyed, green, 6-footed lizard with a blonde wig on and pink Lipstick that steals your dreams of Leotard Capricorn!" Yelena says dramatically, throwing her hands in the air.

"No! Not Leotard, I will protect you!" Harper covers her face with her hands like she is crying then puts one of her hands over her forehead and dramatically faints with her tongue hanging out her mouth and eyes closed.

" Like you could even protect him." Evelyn scoffs, rolling her eyes "You would faint before you could get within 4 feet of the boy."

"That is very true." Yelena nods a smile on her face and Harper's jaw drops in shock.

"Well excuse you, I'll have you know I'm one of the best here! Could whoop all of you at once if I wanted to" Harper says, crossing her arms, and flipping her hair over her shoulder, head high.

"Right before you wake up from your dream"

"You know what-"

"Why was she even looking at the magazine of Leotard? He's young, no?" Evelyn asks, cutting off their pointless bickering, her face turning into one of disgust at the thought of 60-year-old Pandora looking at the 19-year-old.

"Eve, we passed this subject ages ago," Yelena says with an eye roll causing the girl to glare at her.

" Yes and very handsome... well what I assume handsome would look like anyway." Harper trails off at the end before adding "Hey, have any of you ever seen a real boy?"

They all go quiet to search their minds for a time they had ever seen a boy, a boy their age. They knew they had to exist somehow, they knew their fathers would have had to grow up like they would have. But, none of the girls had actually seen or heard of or talked to a boy their age before.

"No, but the lady in my book describes them as pigs... so they must look like them?" Evelyn asks, trying to come to a conclusion on a... boy.

"No but in my books the boys are super nice, sweet, and charming and..." Harper says deep in thought remembering the books she has read where she fell in love with the couples and their stories and free lives.

"Romantic..." Yelena finishes Harper's sentence and the girls go quiet again. Not completely sure what romance means altogether.

"Huh," Evelyn says, breaking the silence. " Do you think we will fall in love one day? With a... romantic boy?"

The girls didn't say anything for a while.

"One day." was all Yelena said. They all fell asleep with the dreams in their head of their romantic boys.

A/N I freaking love this chapter. Their trio is top-notch.

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