VIII: I Do Not Understand

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3 days later Harper wakes up in her bed with a pounding headache and feeling exhausted. "Morning, nice not being ignored for a third time. So thank you for breaking that streak." Yelena says, noticing Harper waking up due to her movements and change in breathing.

"Hm...?" Harper says, her eyes not wanting to help.

"You've been out for three days," Yelana explains to Harper leaning over her.

That snaps Harper's eyes open and she hisses of the brightness she wasn't ready for and looks around her through squinting eyes. "What happened?" Harper's left hand goes to her head, where there's a goose egg from where Evelyn had hit her over the head, three days prior.

"You've missed a lot." Mutters Yelena, with a sad tone that Harper picks up on immediately.

"What happened to Yelena? Where's my sister? Where's Drakov? What did he do? What happened with the-" But Harper soon remembers what happened. And she can't say it out loud, she can barely think it before she bursts out into tears and quiet sobs and her body begins to shake.

"How could I have done that...? I'm a monster!... I killed so many, so quickly... I didn't even know them... I can't even tell their families what happened... What I did... how..." Harper is sobbing into her pillow to quiet herself as she curls up into a ball.

"Stop that!" Yelena pulled Harper's arm so she could look her in the eyes. "We've got bigger problems than that. Evelyn is missing, and she has been since three days ago. No one has seen her or heard from her. It's got to be Drakov, I know it. As smart as Evelyn is, there is no way she got out. She wouldn't leave without us either. It's the only thing that makes sense." Yelena explains, and Harper goes quiet and still when she mentions her sister.

Her hands tighten in fists. "I'm going to kill him." Her eyes darken and her heart begins to pound harder in her chest.

Yelena tightens her grip on Harper's arm so much she winces. "You don't stand a chance. None of us do." Harper's shaking her head, feeling hopeless and horrible and sorry for herself. "We can't break down okay? You got that? She will come back. We just need a way to find her okay?"

"Okay," Harper agrees quietly.

They were silent as they moved through their classes that day. They didn't say a word to each other as the remaining widows, teachers and instructors stared them down throughout the day. All Harper felt was guilt. All she thought about was the lives she ended, she took away. She knew why she did it. How she let it happen. Didn't make her feel any better. It didn't make it any better.

She wanted to know what Yelena really thought. If she secretly was disgusted with her. She could never ask but she still wondered. But her focus that day was where Evelyn was. What was happening to her? She felt worry in her heart all day. It was driving her insane not knowing. It added to her guilt that they were punishing her for her actions. She knew that wasn't true. She knew she was there because she refused to kill Anna. Because she rebelled against Drakov. Fought back. No one had ever done that. But of course, Evelyn had to be the first. Classic Eve always had to one-up everyone in everything.

By the time Yelena and Harper had spoken again, they were in their beds that night. They had been lying silently in their beds.

"If she doesn't show up tomorrow, I am going to look for her. I don't care what the punishment is." Yelena stated plainly as if Harper wouldn't jump at the opportunity to find her sister.

"If she doesn't come back, I'll never stop looking for her, until it kills me," Harper mutters to the roof.

"Okay." Was all she said and the silence returned.

The door to the dormitory opened. None of our heads turned. All of the girls were meant to be asleep. Someone walked into the room. Harper's heart picked up when she heard the footsteps come toward her and Yelena's empty side of the room. The room had 45 beds. Only 14 were in use. Besides Her sister, Yelena, there were only two other girls on their side of the room. The footsteps got closer and closer, louder and louder till they stopped right in front of her bed. She looked up and found her sister's eyes staring right back at her.

"Get up" Her was cold so were her eyes, they were distant.

"E-Evelyn?"Harper whispered in a harsh tone and she didn't care who was watching she jumped up and wrapped her arms around her sister's neck. "Thank goodness you're okay, we were going to hunt you down like a hot bodyguard in those books you know," Harper says while slowly releasing her sister and wiping a few tears away from her cheeks.

Evelyn pushes her off and glares at her causing Harper's whole demeanor to drop. " Why'd you do it? Why didn't you stop? Harper I had to knock you out. What was going through your head?" She asks accusingly with venom in her tone. Evelyn was quite frankly confused and disgusted. No matter how many times she played what happened she simply did not understand. She knew she shouldn't react this way or be more considerate. But this was easier than talking about her life the past few days. Much, much easier.

Harper's shoulders drop and so does her head. More tears come, and she knows her sister will be extremely disappointed but she can't help it. "He got in my head. He mentioned Steven and mom. I couldn't help it, I couldn't control myself, I just did it. It just happened and I couldn't stop, it wasn't me, I couldn't hear or even really register what was going on until I woke up this morning and every single one of them was dead and It was my fault. I am the monster. Please understand that I didn't want to do any of this Achtung. Something just took control and I couldn't stop it no matter how hard I tried."Harper sobbed in front of Evelyn. Danger.

And she wanted to understand. More than anything. She wished she could go into her sister's brain and figure it all out to make it okay. But she couldn't, all she saw was destruction. She didn't understand and she didn't think she ever would.

"No, I don't. I don't understand at all. I don't think I ever will" Evelyn says, her voice void of any emotion. Harper knew her better. She was just really good at that. Hiding, anything really.

There was silence. They just stared at each other.

"One day you will, in this place. You have to, to survive." Harper says and lays back down in her bed and hides herself under the covers.

"No, I think you're wrong on this one Hermana" Sister. 

A/N Quite a bit shorter than usual. But like we didn't know what else to put without just dragging it out longer than anyone cared about. Let us know what you think!!

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