Chapter 16

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Lindsay arrives at school surprised to see that no one is wearing costumes. Usually, all of the middle school students wear their costumes if Halloween falls on a school day. Everyone did last year, at least. Although, Lindsay never participated in that, even when she was friends with the boys. When she was friends with Julia, they didn't go trick or treating. They smoked cigarettes at the West End park and Joel would have some lower ranking member give up their candy.

"Why can't there just be two Venkmans?" Will asks.

"Because there's only one Venkman in real life. We planned this months ago," Mike argues as Lindsay walks up to the group dressed as The Ghostbusters, "I'm Venkman, Dustin's Stantz, Will's Egon, and you're Winston."

"Hey, guys," Lindsay greets, unaware of their ongoing argument.

"I specifically didn't agree to Winston," Lucas says, ignoring Lindsay's arrival.

"Hi, Lindsay," Will smiles.

"What's going on?" she asks as the other two boys continue to fight.

"They are both Venkman, but there's only one in the movie," Will explains at her side.

"No one wants to be Winston, man," Lucas comments.

"What's wrong with Winston?" Lindsay asks, joining back in on the boys' conversation.

"He joined the team super late, he's not funny, and he's not even a scientist!" the Sinclair boy answers.

"Yeah, but he's still cool," Mike argues.

"If he's cool, then you be Winston," Lucas counters him.

"I can't!"

"Why not?"


"Because you're not black?" Lucas scowls. Mike doesn't say anything and Lindsay's jaw drops.

"Mike, that's low," she slightly chuckles. Lucas glares at the girl, who then shuts her mouth. The bell rings and the group goes to class.


After Mr. Clarke's class, Lindsay watches from her locker at Dustin's attempt to talk to Max.

"Well, actually, we weren't stalking you," Dustin explains, "No, we were just concerned because you know, you're new and all."

With kids walking and chattering, Lindsay can't hear everything going on, but she can tell that Max doesn't look impressed. After watching a sad attempt to impress Max with his Ghostbusters trap, Lindsay strolls over to the two.

"Hey," she greets.

"Hey, Lindsay," Max answers, her face slightly more content with her arrival, "Stalker here was just telling me about trick or treating in Hawkins."

"You stalked her?!" Lindsay turns to Dustin. His face turns red.

"Well, I ——"

"I saw him outside the arcade yesterday afternoon with another kid looking through binoculars," Max explains for him. Lindsay gives him an 'are you crazy look'.

"Ugh, I can't believe you two!" she groans.

"You know them?" Max questions.

"Yes, I'm friends with him and the other boy," the Harrington girl admits. Although she wants to be friends with them, she didn't approve of them stalking the new girl. Or stalking anyone, in general.

"Wow," the redhead sighs.

"I know, I promise they're not usually this weird. They just aren't used to have friends that are girls," Lindsay teases, making the redhead chuckle.

"So...." Dustin interrupts, "you'll come?"

Max looks at Dustin, then at Lindsay, "are you going?"

"Yeah," Lindsay answers. Max smiles.

"I'll think about it," she says. She shuts her locker and turns to walk to her next class.

"We're meeting at the Maple Street cul-de-sac at 7:00!" Dustin yells as she disappears from their view.

"Really, Dustin? Binoculars? What were you even doing there?" Lindsay badgers him.

"We just wanted to know if she was MADMAX!" Dustin defends.

"Who's MADMAX?" she questions.

"Max is," he exclaims, "MADMAX is her gamer name. She beat my high school in DigDug."

Lindsay raises an eyebrow, "so let me get this straight; you and Lucas went to the arcade and stalked a girl with binoculars to see if she beat your high score in DigDug?"

"Yes," he answers.

"And you couldn't have just asked her?" Lindsay asks. Dustin thinks for a moment before reality hits him.

"Well, to be honest, I didn't really think of that," he answers.

"Yeah, clearly!"


Lindsay grabs her pillowcase and flashlight before leaving her house to meet at Mike's. She walks to Mike's house in her Wonder Woman costume, excited to celebrate Halloween this year.

"Lindsay!" Will cheers as Jonathan pulls up along the curb. Lindsay waves to the boy, walking over to the car. Will gets out with a big video camera.

"Woah! Is that yours?" she gawks. The camera is almost bigger than Will. Although he is pretty small for his age, just like Lindsay.

"No, it's Bob's," he answers, earning a confused look, "my mom's boyfriend."

"Oh," Lindsay answers. The two join the other three and begin to walk to the neighbor's house. Will presses 'record' on the camera.

"Lindsay, say something," he says with his eye up to the camera.

"Ummm... it's Halloween, the best night of the year!" Lindsay awkwardly smiles. Will turns the camera to the three boys in front of them, filming them as well, "guys say something to the camera!"

"Oh, hi camera!" Lucas giggles. Lindsay rolls her eyes at the boy and his charm.

"My name is Dustin and I'm going to get the most candy tonight!" he announces to the camera, walking backwards.

"Nuh-uh! I'm gonna get the most candy tonight!" Mike turns to the boy.

"Let's make it a challenge!" Lucas suggests, "whoever gets the most candy wins."

"Wins what?" Lindsay questions. Lucas shrugs.

"Wins a handful of candy from everyone else!" Dustin exclaims. The kids' eyes widen at the thought of getting to take candy from the others.

"You're on!" Mike smiles. The kids take off, running to the next house to collect more candy.

"Trick or Treat!" the group cheers.

"Here you go," the woman places a single piece in each of their pillowcases. They don't care though. They just thank the woman and race each other to the next house.

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