Chapter 24

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That night all I could think about was Derek kissing my neck and down my chest, it was getting me a little hot, my member started to rise, I moved my hand down and started to slowly pump myself. "STILES," I jump from my bed trying to rearrange my boner, "I'm in here dad," I say a little breathless. "What pizza do you want? Are you okay Stiles," my dad says while raising his very big eye brow. "Yeah dad why wouldn't I be?" I say trying to make him leave, " you can talk to me you know Stiles, I will listen to you," he says putting a hand on my shoulder. "I know I've been distant lately dad, but I've met someone," I say not wanting to hide from him, "good son, if they make you happy then I'm happy," he says with a smile on his face. "So what about that pizza?"

The next day was slow the whole world was going by so slowly. My phone beeps on my night stand and it's a text from Scott asking if I want to go bowling with the pack before we have to go back to school, I reply with a yes and start getting my stuff ready.

I arrive at the bowling ally and see the whole pack were already there, why am I always late. "Hey, guys sorry I'm late," I started walking over to the pack, "your not late yet we are still waiting for Derek, he said he had a little job," that made me wonder what he was doing, will ask later. Derek finally arrives but he's not alone, there is a older man with him, with a V-neck on, hair slicked back, a little older than Derek. "Hey guys," he says while coming to stand next to me, "this is my uncle," the whole pack looked shocked, but I looked more calm than anything, "Derek didn't tell us he had a very sexy uncle," Lydia spat getting a dirty look from Jackson. "What, he is," she says in defence.

"He doesn't like people knowing about me because I was a bit a-wall and killed a bunch of people, noting big," he says with a smug look on his face looking for some sort of an applause. "Peter!" Derek growls. "Let's bowl," Peter says while moving toward the nearest booth. "Sorry," Derek whispers in my ear. "It's fine," I reply, "what's fine," peters says making me and Derek jump at least 5 feet in the air. "Hmm..," Peter mumbles and walks to the pack, Derek and I look at each other with concern.

(3 hours later)

Well bowling went okay, me and Derek just kept making faces at each other while the others weren't looking, that was the best bit about not telling people, we can secretly look at each other, but sometimes I wish I could touch him in public.

"Hey dad," I say while walking to the kitchen, "hey son, how was bowling," he says while reading a file, "fine, what's that dad." I say with curiosity, "just another case nothing to worry about son," he says while closing it so I couldn't see it, "so who you hanging around with these days," he says while removing his glasses and rubbing his eyes, "just Scott and his friend, well my friends," I say not knowing if we were friends. "Good son, you need more friends," he says while standing up and going into the living room to probably watch the game.

I make my way to my room, I enter and notice a dark figure coming through my window. "Derek?" I whisper "what?" Scotts voice said moving closer to me. "Nothing, I said nothing," I panic, "no, you called me Derek," I can feel my heart beat pick up. "What are you doing here Scott," I say changing the subject quickly, "just wondered if you wanted to hang out," he says sitting on my bed, "okay," I reply.

"So, how's Derek training you," I say not wanting to sound creepy, "really well actually, he said that you should come sometime, we have a session tomorrow if you wanna join." He says while setting up the Xbox. "Yeah sure, if it's okay with Derek," I say while picking up the other controller and started to play FIFA. My phone beeped at the side of me making me jump, "dude, you whimp," Scott laughs continuing to play the game. It was Derek.

To Stiles:

What you doing, can I come over, wanna touch that body:)

To Derek:

Are you sexting me right now and Scotts here, but will say I'm tired;)

To Stiles:

Will be there in 30 minutes xx

"Scott I'm getting quite tired, can we continue this some other time." I say trying to act tired, "yeah sure man, see you tomorrow at Derek's old place." He says while jumping from my window. I quickly start tidying my room, so that Derek didn't think I was a sloppy teenager. Before I knew it Derek was tapping on my window to let him in. I opened it trying to be quiet with my dad being down stairs. "Hey,"Derek says while moving closer to me, making my stomach turn. He put his hands on my hips and pulled me into a hug, "I missed you," he said while breathing in my scent. He start to lick and suck on my neck which will most definitely leave a mark. "D..Derek," I say in between breaths. "Your mine," he says in the host sexiest voice ever. "I'm most definitely yours," I reply, loving the sound of him saying that I'm his. We move to the bed, Derek tugs at the hem of my shirt to indicate that I don't need it. He helps me take it off, and he does the same. We just lay there in each other's arms, I was so comfortable with him I could be myself. "Do you want me to stay," Derek asks while pulling the quilt over both us, "yes of course, you like my giant teddy bear," did I just call Derek Hale a teddy bear, "teddy bear," Derek says while raising his eye brow. "Yes my teddy bear."

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