Chapter 1

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Everyone on Harry Potter Tik Tok has heard of reality shifting by now. To be honest I've heard about it and I think it sounds cool. I'd love to go to Hogwarts. I'd really love to meet Fred, George, Hermione, Ron, and Harry. They seem like really nice people. And learning spells seems really fun. Though I wouldn't want to deal with Professor Snape. Or most of the Slytherin to be exact. Except I feel like I would be put in Slytherin if I went to Hogwarts.

I know most of the Slytherin wouldn't like me. Especially Draco Malfoy. I consider myself a half-blood and everyone knows his opinions on being anything other than pure-blood. Professor Snape I know for sure would not like me. But to be fair I wouldn't like him either.

For some reason I would also want to be an animagus like Sirius Black. I'd want to transform into a white dog or wolf. That would be awesome. I feel like if I was an animagus I'd turn into an animal just to freak people out (especially Ron). That would be hilarious. I don't really like Ron much.

Anyway, I've been wanting to try shifting for a while now. So tonight I decided to write a script and try to shift. By the time I was done with my script it was time for bed, which I was glad for. The script took me about two hours and ten retries to get it just right. I basically wrote everything I wanted to happen but I wanted to be realistic about it. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to writing.

Once my mom was done telling me goodnight, I put my script under my pillow, then grab my phone and headphones. Earlier today I looked up how to shift and multiple sites said that listening to theta music would help you shift. I listened to some examples of theta music earlier and it was really calming, so I see why people say to use it.

I put my headphones in and start playing the music. I grab the script from my pillow and start reading it over. I memorized my escape word, then put my script under my pillow. Then I start focusing on my breathing. Deep breath in, deep breath out.

After fifteen minutes, I lay my head on my pillow, then I spread out my arms and legs in a starfish position and close my eyes. I start slowly counting to 100. Zero to 100 the site said. When I got to five I started saying affirmations. I repeated them five times, then continued counting.

Every five numbers I would say my affirmations. I would say, "I am going to shift. I am shifting to Hogwarts," over and over. Making sure I believe what I'm saying each time. By the time I reached the number 35 I started getting dizzy and the room felt like it was spinning. Every so often I would see clips of the characters that I know weren't in the movies. Like I saw Draco smirking at someone in one of the classes. I thought he was smirking at me but he could've been smirking at anyone.

When I got to 100, I started smelling vanilla, which was a sign that I knew I was in my desired reality. I decided then that I was going to finish my affirmations then go to sleep. While I was doing my affirmations I focused on what Hogwarts looked like and what my Slytherin dorm room would look like.

I wake up, what feels like a few minutes later to someone splashing me in the face with really, really cold water.

"Hey!" I open my eyes slowly, despite not wanting to at all. When I get a view of my surroundings, I sit up quickly. I am definitely not in my room anymore. The room I am in is simple. There are a few posters on the walls. Most of them saying "Slytherin." The walls were made of a beautiful gray stone. I look down at my bed and see green sheets and blankets that are soaked from the water someone threw at me.

"Where am I?" I ask as I look up and see a girl with black hair looking at me. Her hair was cut into a bob with short bangs. She had dull brown eyes and she was tan but almost pale at the same time. I'm pretty sure I'm looking at Pansy Parkinson.

"Uh Hogwarts duh. You've been here for three days. God! Do you have amnesia?" She said it in such a snarky tone that I wanted to smack the hell out of her. And oh yeah that is definitely Pansy Parkinson.

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