Chapter 7

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(A/N I would never do the prank mentioned at the bottom of the chapter. I am not that cruel.)

It's been about two weeks since I got back from break. Fred has made no effort to talk to me. Draco and I's relationship has gotten a little bit better. The only problem is our mini arguments that happen when he starts picking on the trio. By now everyone knows that Draco and I are together. The trio weren't ok with it at first but once Hermione and Harry heard why, they were a little more at ease. Ron still hates me. George will semi talk to me but when Fred is around he will avoid me. Him and Parker have been getting very close but so have Fred and Angelina Johnson. I hate seeing them together but I have to deal with it.

Anyway, right now I am in Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Snape. Lupin is apparently out sick for the third time. Due to him being a werewolf he has to leave about every other month which is quite frustrating because Snape has to teach us. I think everyone in the class knows I hate Snape at this point. I keep mouthing off to him and making sarcastic comments towards him. Hermione keeps telling me to stop but I don't. It's fun being mean to him because he gets so frustrated at me. I also have detention tonight like usual. The bell rings so I grab my stuff and walk out of the classroom. I start heading to my next class but all of a sudden I am on the ground with my butt hurting. I look up and see Fred, with his hand drawn out for me to take. I grab his hand and he helps me off the floor.

"Thanks." I mutter, purposely looking away from him.

"Good thing I bumped into you. I was looking for you." He says with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Ok. I have class though so I better get going."

"Actually I was hoping you would skip." 

I shrug. "Sure. It's astronomy anyway so I don't really care." He nods and we start walking in the opposite direction of where I was going.

"So... how are you and Malfoy?" He asks as we start walking.

"Good I guess. I've noticed you have been hanging out with Angelina a lot so how is she?" I was leading myself into a trap. I can feel it.

"She's great actually. Pretty chill but doesn't take crap from people. I think that might be because of quidditch though."

"I mean with a winning team like yours I wouldn't expect anything less. She seems great."

"She really is. Look what I wanted to say was that I'm sorry for being a git when I found out about you and Malfoy, I shouldn't have been. I was a little hurt that's all but now that I have Angelina, she showed me who I really have feelings for." My eyes went wide. I knew he was talking about her. I shouldn't care. This is what I wanted. For him not to like me but his words stung. And stung a lot.

"That's good that you found her. She'll be really good for you. Um... I just remembered I left my wand in my room. I'm going to need it in my next class. See you later." I turn around and walk away before he could say another word. Tears started forming in my eyes and I didn't care if they fell or not.

I walked all the way to my dorm and plopped on my bed, burying my face in my pillow. I started crying even more but not enough where I was loud. I felt my bed shift, letting me know someone had sat down.

"You ok?" Draco asks. 

"No. I'm not. Is it that obvious?" I say sarcastically.

"What happened?" He asks, sounding annoyed. Probably because of my tone. I don't blame him. I'm not in the mood to deal with people.

"Be more sympathetic, why don't ya?"

"I'm trying to help."

"I'm sorry. You'll have to excuse me. I get extra sarcastic when I'm upset." I sit up still not facing him. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone, not even him. He sits next to me and puts his arm around me. I lay my head on his chest and listen to his breathing.

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