Chapter 34

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My breath heaves as I finally get to the great hall. I had to run all the way from the forbidden forest and now I'm soaking wet. It decided to start raining just as I got to the quidditch field, so I had to run to the great hall in the rain. It's been a couple of days since I saw the beetle when I was talking with Cedric, so I've been trying to search the woods before the daily prophet came out, to see if there were anymore like it. So far there hasn't been, so now I'm sure that the beetle was Rita Skeeter. The Daily Prophet reporter who is reporting on the Tri-wizard Tournament. She has a tendency to make up stories to stir up drama. I don't know what she would possibly right about Cedric and I, but I know she'll come up with something. 

I run over to the Gryffindor table where Hermione, Harry, Ron, and Parker are all huddling around something. When I walk up, Hermione gives me a look of pity and I know I'm screwed.

"What does it say?" I ask quietly. 

"It's best that you read it yourself." Hermione says as she hands me the paper which reads:

Another Hogwarts champion looking for a possible love. Mandy Lafoi's notorious daughter, Felicity Wilhite, who was spotted with Draco Malfoy at the Quidditch World cup, has been rumored to be talking with original Hogwarts Champion Cedric Diggory. Could it be a blooming love? Or a way for Felicity to get closer to the action? Find out as I keep everyone updated on the Tri-Wizard Tournament. 

Rita Skeeter.

Bile rises up in my throat. Draco's going to be pissed. 

"I have to go find Draco." I say as I set the paper down on the table. 

"Felicity!" Draco yells for me from the door of the great hall. Hermione gives me a look of pity. 

"Good luck." She mouths, before I turn towards his scowling face. 

"We need to have a little talk." Before I get the chance to speak, Draco grabs my arm and pulls me out of the Great hall and towards one of the side hallways. 

Before I can get a word of defense in, Draco's hands are on my wrist and one is covering my mouth with my back against the wall. Anger radiates off of him. I'm screwed. 

"Dray..." I try to say but my voice is muffled by his hand. 

"What the fuck have you been doing behind my back?!" He shouts. Fear shoots through me, making it harder to breathe. He moves his hand from my mouth, making it a bit easier to talk. 

"I didn't do anything I swear. Rita Skeeter twisted the story around." I reply. 

"So you were with Diggory?" 

"He found me in the woods." I say quickly. "I was taking my usual hike when he spotted me and went after me to make sure that I wasn't getting into any trouble. You know how Hufflepuffs are." His anger doesn't deplete. I wish it would. 

He moves closer to me, making sure that I can feel his breath against my cheek. "You're mine." He says menacingly. "Don't forget that." Forcefully, he walks away, leaving me to catch my breath. Tears flood my eyes as I realize what just happened. Rita just gave him more of a reason not to trust me. He was already having a hard time trusting me because of the shifting thing. If our relationship doesn't end by the end of the year, I will definitely be surprised. 

"You alright there, Feliz?" The nickname makes me freeze. I shake my head slowly as I feel Fred's arms wrap around me. His warmth envelops me like a blanket that I take comfort in. Tears fall down my cheeks but I don't bother to wipe them. "What did he do?"

"He's mad about what Rita Skeeter said." I say quietly. My voice seems more high pitched than normal and I hate it. It makes me feel small and weak. "I didn't do anything." 

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