Chapter 20

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I wake up in my world, like I was expecting. It didn't work. Why didn't it work? The night before couldn't have been a dream. Parker and Ethan remember it too. Maybe I'm just unlucky. I hope they got to go. If it was real.

I grab my phone and check my notifications. I have one from Parker and one from Ethan. Both are from the group chat.

My bff: It didn't work for me either. Also really a group chat with him.

Ethan: Ouch. Anyway it didn't work for me.

Me: Ok. I'll see you both at school.

I get up and get changed. It is 5:30 right now so I'm going to try and work out then shower before 6:30 which is when I normally get up. I quickly get changed, then do exercises till 6. Crunches and sit ups mainly so I can lose my stomach. I do them until my stomach starts to hurt. By then it's 6, so I stand up and grab some clothes before heading to the bathroom to take a shower. As I undress and wait for the shower to warm up, I stretch out a bit and purposely avoid looking at myself in the mirror. Maybe I'll always hate the way I look but I'm gonna try to change that. I've hated the way I look for as long as I could remember. I don't know why I started hating my body but I do know that I started hating it even though no one has ever really commented on what I look like. I'm pretty sure I've only gotten one and it was from an idiot at a church camp. He was doing it to all the girls who walked out of the pool. Doesn't make me feel any better though. Actually it probably wouldn't have felt even if he just did it to me. It's disgusting.

I hop in the shower and just stand there, letting the water hit my skin. I let my thoughts wander. Wondering why it hadn't worked. Or if it was myself who didn't let it work. Maybe it was my doubt if the first time was real. I know it was real now. There's no way something that realistic was a dream. Parker and Ethan were there too, so it had to be real. Maybe I'm just overthinking it. It could have been a lucid dream that we all had. That can't be possible can it?

I sigh, feeling defeated by my own thoughts. It felt so real.

After washing up, I turn the water off, then step out of the shower and get changed for school. I walk into my room and grab Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone off my desk to read till my sister and mom wake up.

It doesn't take long for them to wake up, so getting to school was pretty fast. Now I am sitting with Peyton and Parker trying to finish my homework. I've never been good at keeping up with homework. I hate doing homework. I feel like it's pointless but I sadly still have to do it.

Out of the corner of my eye Ethan slips into the seat in front of me. He clears his throat, trying to get my attention but I keep my focus on the homework.

"What?" I ask, still looking at the homework. I can see Peyton clenching her fist. She wants to kill him too. Even though she tells me to get over what he did.

"It didn't work." He says bluntly.

"Obviously or else you would be talking to your girlfriend and not me." I say, still not looking up at him.

"She's not here today." He says quickly. I nod my head but in all honesty I don't care. I know how Ethan works by now. He'll only talk to me when his girlfriend isn't around or when he needs something.

"Are you two going to try again tonight?" He asks cautiously.

"We don't have to schedule it with you do we?" Parker snaps. I can see Ethan visibly shrink, like he's embarrassed.

"Felicity, can I talk to you alone?" That makes me look up at him. His blue eyes are pleading for me to talk to him. I'm not sure I want to.

"Alright." I say, reluctantly getting up. He follows me over to a corner so we can talk. I can feel his girlfriend's friend's eyes on me the whole way there. If I'm not careful they are going to cause a scene. That's what they do. They are definitely going to tell her about this and then I'm going to be in a world of shit.

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