Chapter 33

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"Do you have it memorized?" I ask hopefully. Parker nods her head before casting a quick enchantment on herself. "I'm scared to do this."

"Just do it. I'm not going to get hurt." She shrugs her shoulders and puts her wand up in case something goes wrong. Hermione stands in the corner, with her thumb in her mouth, nervous about this whole thing too. She has her wand out as well just in case she needs to jump in to help. Playing with fire isn't a very safe thing to do.

I give her one last nod before raising my wand and saying, "Inciendo!" I flick my wand towards Parker. A funnel of fire blasts towards her. To my surprise, she stands there without flinching and watches it barrel towards her. I sigh with relief as the spell doesn't touch her and just bounces onto the ground. I smile over at Hermione, who has a huge grin on her face.

"It worked." I say happily.

"It did." There is a hope in everyone's eyes that sparks a hope in mine. "Is dragon fire any different from that spell?"

"It shouldn't be but we'd have to look more into it." Hermione states.

"Either way, it works and that's all that matters." I breathe out. I pocket my wand with a breath of relief. Parker will be ok. That's all that matters. The first task is tomorrow and I couldn't be any more nervous. Actually it might be possible for me to be more nervous but I don't want to think of what that will look like if I do get more nervous. Parker doesn't need my nerves to add on top of hers. So I have to keep it in check.

Parker gives me a nervous smile before motioning for me to try the spell again. Reluctantly, I do and again the spell bounces off of her without even getting a foot near her. Every time I see it, I let out a breath of relief. The fact that she will be fighting a dragon is terrifying. I would prefer that she doesn't fight it but Dumbledore is being a pain in the ass and won't pull her (or Harry) out of the tournament. It's so frustrating. This tournament shouldn't even exist.

"I wish you didn't have to do this." I breathe out.

"I know. But hey, it might be fun." I shake my head but keep quiet.

"The tests are going to be challenging. It's not your normal charms class duel. You'll be fighting against dragons." Hermione says instead. As much as we both know that she's right, I wish she hadn't said anything because that's just gonna make all of our nerves worse.

"She's got this and so does Harry. All we need to do now is rest and wait for tomorrow to come." I say. We leave the dueling room together but we all go separate ways. I honestly don't know where I am headed but I continue walking anyway. I've been to so many places in this castle that it feels like there is nothing left to discover. I know that there is probably more to learn about but right now I feel like I just keep going to the same place every time.

I could look for the chamber of secrets. Or where fluffy had been held in first year but for some reason that doesn't interest me. Right now none of the students are allowed near the quidditch pitch because they are setting up for the tournament. Besides the quidditch pitch doesn't interest me either. I need something to look for. Something to discover.

I don't want to go to Hogsmeade. There's nothing there that I haven't seen. Well except the several tunnels that connect Hogsmeade to Hogwarts, but I don't really want to look for those.

I find myself in front of the room of requirements, so I decide to think of a cave close to the one that Fred and I swam in last year. The door materializes in front of me, slightly ajar. I walk in and find exactly what I expected. It's just as beautiful as it was last time.

With the door closed behind me, I take off my shirt and pants, leaving me in my matching bra and underwear set. I hop into the water. It's warm. Thankfully not cold. I hate cold water. I hate being cold in general.

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