7. Acquantinces

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@luke.xx.hemmo sat over his phone, waiting for exactly 6:30 am the next morning. He knew she would answer at this time, since it was then that they often had some sort of conversations, besides during the night.

His long fingers hover over the message, waiting to click send, while a deep male voice bombarded his thoughts.

"Again with this? I thought she already kicked you to the curb." The brunette replied laughed.

"Well we are working on it." He replied. "It will work out. I know it will."

@luke.xx.hemmo looked at the time on his phone, seeing he already was a minute behind. He cursed.

"You made me late." He huffed angrily, but sent the message anyways.

"One minute won't make a difference."

But indeed, one minute did make a difference. For Evelyn, when she didn't get that message at specifically 6:30 am, she decided not to wait. She had a major test to study for, and she did not feel like waiting today. She would simply check the message later - if she even got one.

She turned off her phone, and studied for her test that she needed to ace.

And didn't check it for the rest of the day.

Of course this got @luke.xx.hemmo upset.

"She's not replying now! Thanks a lot!" He huffed.

Another one of his friends came in.

"What's wrong?" Another smaller brunette asked.

"That idiot in the corner made me late, and now she is not replying."

"Life happens. Just calm down." His friends tried to calm him.

"I know. I just- I'm sorry. I just need to feel like someone can treat me normally. Someone besides you guys. I just need someone to call me normal, and hang out with me because they want to. Not because of the way I look or who I am..."

And everyone in the room knew it was true, because he just wanted to be wanted for who he was, not what he had become.


Evelyn hardly aced her test. She regretted not studying and talking to @luke.xx.hemmo. Just kidding. She would never regret that, because as much as she hated it, this was adventurous, and she wanted to stay for the ride.

Evelyn ran home, and turned on her playlist, allowing The Night Is Still Young by Nicki Minaj to blast through the speakers in her room.

'I never worry, life is a journey

I just wanna enjoy the ride

What is the hurry? It's pretty early

It's ok, we'll take our time

The night is still young

The night is still young

The night is still young

And so are we.'

She checked her dm from Luke, and laughed a little when she read the message.

@luke.xx.hemmo - hey darling ;)

@honey.hemmings - hey loser. :P

@luke.xx.hemmo - omg you're here!

@honey.hemmings - NO 1!1!

@luke.xx.hemmo - nvm. whatcha doin

@honey.hemmings - listening to music.

@luke.xx.hemmo - the relatable kind?

@honey.hemmings - duh.

@luke.xx.hemmo - aha okay so let's talk about something inspiring

@honey.hemmings - like what

@luke.xx.hemmo - BANDS!

@honey.hemmings - ANY DAY

The smiles could not be more evident on both of their faces.

And Evelyn decided they could at least be acquaintances.

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