Chapter 1

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  "Eliza, its time to go to school," Began mum," you don't want to make the wrong impression at your new school!" Todays Monday, first day of school - my new school. We moved from Bristol to London a few days ago for no reason at all that I know about.

                Beep! As I rush down the stairs and into the car. I start having second thoughts. I don't want to go to school but if I want to be a scientist I have too get the education. I not a geek, just a clever girl. This is why I'm dreading the new school. Looking out of car window all I can see teenagers my age laughing and joking and vandalising the area. This never happened in Bristol. "Are you excited?" Asked mum, oblivious to my nervousness. "yeah sure." I lied. After all I didn't want her to go into therapist mode. The car suddenly stopped. "Right here we are, off you go." Said mum indicating the big brick building. It had spikes all round the edges. I couldn't work out if it was to keep us in or to keep them out. I steadily got out the car. "This cant be it can it, its a prison!" I whispered.

            Inside the school, it wasn't that bad - it was just like an ordinary school: Cream walls, long corridors and plain teachers. "hello you must be the new girl." Asked a voice. I suddenly turned around, it was just a pupil. She looked nice enough, a bit scary though. "Yeah I'm Eliza berg." I replied trying not to sound to posh. My voice was a real let down in my old school; I have always spoken well, and it usually gives the impression that I'm snotty. " I will show you to your lesson," The girl began, "oh and my names violet black." After what seemed forever walking down the winding corridors Violet finally stopped in front a classroom. I could hear laughter and talking. A lot of it. Violet took a deep breath and finally said, "This is your from classroom...good luck!" And with that she walked away. What did  she mean good luck. Well I'm going to have to find out. 

                    As I walked in head after head turned, I wandered over to the teachers desk. "Hello Ellie " He greeted. "Its Eliza and  where is my desk?" I asked. He pointed over to the desk at the back of the classroom. I  strolled over to the desk. I couldn't take my eyes off this boy. He wasn't gorgeous. Just interesting. Very interesting. "Matt Gorton." Someone said. I turned my head breaking myself from the trance he put on me. It was Violet. "Matt Gorton, the bad boy of north London," she continued," and that's Rita Aruban his girlfriend." My heart sank. The first boy I have ever fancied has a girlfriend. Great. Just great.

         I dawdled my way through the rest of day, keeping out of everyone's way. Everyone except Matt that is. "Hi I'm matt I saw you before in form class." He said reaching out his hand. I shook his hand politely and started. "I'm Eliza I moved her a couple of days ago from Bristol" I did my best to sound causal as I didn't want him thinking I was snotty. " Oh so you don't know the place, I will show you around sometime." He said as he walked off joining his friends. When I looked he was looked back as well. Immediately I started blushing as red as blood. Making my way to the next class I could only think about one thing. He talked to me. He actually said he'd show me around!   

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