Chapter 3

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Isaiah's eyes bawled restlessly as the drops of loose well water dripped aimlessly to the nearby floor but just out of reach of its comforting kisses.

The Darkness was a special sort of Oblivion, and Desna said this world needed saving! Golarion looks no better than the Hell on Earth he and David just left. The guards tossed them into this cell after capturing them at quite literally the first moment they arrived here. The cell reeked of forgotten graves and rotting muck. And all they had to show for their welcome now that their Weapons and David's Pip-Boy were gone was this annoying azure butterfly that keeps following the Veteran Ranger to his body's rejective annoyance.

And once more... he sneezed the insect away... yet the little blue critter insists to follow him.

"Whatdowedo-Whatdowedo-Whatdowedo?" the Rookie tongue frenzied as he anxiously tapped his foot at the dirt ground.

"Stay with me kid! Stay with me!" David grabbed hold of Isaiah and looked straight at him sternly. The room may be dark but just a few inches apart from each other, they could see the white of each other's eyes. "Do what I say and keep quiet. We can get out of this... just wait for a guard or two and we can overpower them. Together" He softly whispered to him.

"I... I..." Isaiah breathed deeply. "Okay."

Just as he agreed upon David's plan, the door that led outside of the Dungeon swung open as a bright torch light filled the room with two shadows marking the presence of their new visitors. The clanking of armor palpitated David's ears: Guards.

"Two. Wait'll they get close." The Vet whispered to the Rook.

Once they both overpower the Guards, they should hold a key or something they can use to get themselves out of here. Two figures appeared before them, the faint torchlight in the dark dungeon. Both eyes of searing blue light. One wore over their sky-blue robes a resplendent yet nigh skin-like cuirass. The rest of the soldier's matching armor: pauldrons and greaves, formed their body into valiant forms. Lastly, the soldier has adorned on their belt a great saber and the same Ankh-like pseudo crucifix adorned on the soldier's golden breastplate. A valorous uniform of Martialism that if they weren't prisoners right now would be worthy of an honorable salute. The soldier's partner however did not share the militaristic disposition however them. It was hard to discern from the other person's long hair. That is not discounting the rather mutative face this person presented him/herself to David. Their bodies were a human shape, with nails, nose, mouth, and ears with alabaster skin shown just like them.

But the eyes! Oh, the eyes could make any imagination tremble in awe by a singular glance alone. Their eyes were a black canvass decorated warmly with their searing blue irises like the edges of a lighter's fire burning proudly amidst the darkness of the dungeon. Following above their inhumanly mesmerizing eyes were without any other way for David and Isaiah to describe it: Feathers. Turquoise feathers adorned like jewelry from their lashes up to the tips of where their hairline begins. It was if an Angel descended from heaven to walk on this god-forsaken earth.

"Hoc modo velox fiat. Non placet hic frater. Lacus mehi repit." A discernably feminine voice spoke forth from the armored individual.

"Eas a nobis custodiat carcer. Cave modo ne nimis prope sis." The long-haired man told the armored woman teasingly.

The armored woman sighed as she beckoned her hand onto her comrades' side where her equally-eyed compatriot passed her a scroll sealed with a red ribbon. She immediately unfurled its bindings and opened the scroll. The parchment created a glistening that surrounded them, engulfing the room with magical light.

"Linguae omnium, verba indomita, intellegam te. Patet suus secreta!" the armored woman began her incantations. Each word further, chilling the hearts of the Rangers that they stopped inching closer to their devious plan.

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