Chapter 7

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The endless Sea of Green, once thought for the Doctorate-Commander Cold Iron as a serene forest retreat, a comforting contrast to the sanded wastes of Eastern Texas had shown to be masticating maw slowly chewing his constitution away. Yes, the Climate is mild if not Eden-like yet there was a slow aching venom that crept through those who walk the lonesome stone road. That slow-acting poison is the utter like of any other life the further one journey's, no water sources, no animals not even a few brown shrooms to sate one's consumption from this grueling trek. The disenfranchised Roboticist's throat became arid with thirst and his stomach writhed, the toil of this long trek with his remaining robots. His legs eventually began to strain heavily on him as H.E.N.R.I faithfully carried his master on well-welded back, despite being kit bashed together with scavenged arms. If shelter and food isn't found soon H.E.N.R.I. foresee the deterioration of Izo's health if his untimely expiration. A scenario he was programmed NOT to allow.

"Must... must... fin—" Cold Iron's spirit willingly pushed forward against this adversity, yet his flesh had become weak. Teetering between the edges of death and life, only stubbornly defying the former by sheer animosity from the Last Pioneer.

The rest of the Doctor-Commander's mechanical servants, a procession Mister Handy's, Olive Assaultrons, a wolfpack of Sawpups and it's veritably made 'mother' a blood stained Slicerdicer remained alert. Programmed to fight and die to protect their master. Their red eyes gliding across the tree lines, their prediction algorithims, if they could sweat fell upon a mania of unassured variables. Such variables bordered between they are not the only entities walking down this grass stone road.

"Halt!" a voice bellowed from the wind gushed trees. So matriarchal and dominant was the voice that it chilled the hearts of men and children alike.

The rusted saws of the Robots and their scavenged weapons whirled to life as they gazed upon their beholder, at the ready for any hostilities that could befall to them in this strange land.

"Who are you strange travelers, to walk the stone paths of Nirmathas?" the bulbous plant-person spoke forth from her ascendant branch. Wielding her wood staff into the air to shepherd the forest beyond away from these metallic interlopers.

The strange fellow was draped in a rotund torso of lavender with hair that stood tall like the blades of grass almost like an Onion had been given arms, legs and black doll-like eyes in a caricature of dressed to be likened of a person. It appeared to be less like a person and more like a plant that happened to walk and talk like one. Specifically, an Onion if one gave it arms, legs, black doll-like eyes and an incision for a mouth. The creature's height was easily dwarfed by the trunk of the tree it stood beside.

"What kind of damn mut---" Izo's hunger-frailed eyes opened piecemeal. Too drained of health to think properly, his animosity of his predicament unable to be let go of.

"We require your assistance, Unknown Creature." H.E.N.R.I. interjected, the robot waved his hand towards their pint-sized greeter at its most amiable setting to present itself as a non-threat. It's Diplomatic Protocols preceding with neutral intent. H.E.N.R.I followed his program to ensure the wellbeing of his master and that is to above all else not create antagonisms at such a fragile state they are in.

"You seeketh only hospitality, from us?" the plant-person inquired, her staff still raised to offer a distance between themself and these strangers.

"We are just simple travelers." H.E.N.R.I. explained itself, voice modulated into a diplomatic calm.

"Well... you do not look like you are from Lastwall or from Molthune..." the Plant-Person responded. Its body angled away from H.E.N.R.I. She carefully studied these strange contraptions who stood easily of three of their own heights combined.

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