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the video to the side is their house :-)

This kind of skips around a lot and it's kinda boring, sorry xx the next chapter will be better, I promise

"Oh my God," Michael gushes, eyes wide as he looks around outside of the home they would be staying in. The show had sent them to Zambia to spend their honeymoon at Tongabezi, and Michael was in awe. The stone pathway is lit up with candles and lanterns, creating a bright flickering pattern on the trees that seclude the Honeymoon House from the rest.

Luke smiles at Michael's enthusiasm, carrying both his and his submissive's luggage. "Much better than Paris," he speaks up, watching Michael wander ahead of their personal valet, Traga, his eyes lighting up even more with each new thing he sees.

"Definitely," Michael agrees, nodding his head slightly. Traga opens the door that leads to their suite, while Michael steps out of the way and bites his lip, impatiently waiting to see what's waiting for them behind the polished wood.

Letting the couple walk in first, Traga holds the door open for them and smiles at the satisfied look on Michael's face. It's so much better than Paris.

"Oh my God," Michael repeats, slowly walking through the open-ended room and taking in everything around him. He walks over to the bed as Luke sets down their bags, gently running his fingers through the white curtain hanging off of the canopy.

"Oh, wow," he whispers, turning around and looking out at the water just outside of the house, where the sun is just starting to cast a purple-orange hue over the sky.

Luke follows in Michael's footsteps, staring at the place in front of him. The terrace is neatly placed with two cushioned chairs, where Michael is already planning on sitting later to watch the sun set over the river.

Michael looks up at Luke and smiles. It's suddenly feeling very real to Luke, and he's not sure what to make of that. He's married to the handsome boy beside him, who looks ecstatic. Michael seems like he is sure everything is going to turn out fine, so Luke smiles back, pushing his negative thoughts into the back of his mind.

This week is supposed to be about getting to know each other and having fun, not worrying.

☆*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*☆

Half past nine o'clock, Luke and Michael are sat in the warm bathtub right outside of the room. Michael had been excited to use it since he found it, and Luke found himself agreeing to sit in it with him. It's big enough for both of them to sit in and stretch their legs out, so it's kind of like a small hot tub shaped like a claw foot bath.

Luke has his elbow resting on the side of the bath, dipping his index finger in the water and swirling it around slightly. Candles surround the two of them; they all smell good and make the terrace look cozier than it did before. The flickering flames are casting shadows over Luke's face, and Michael can't help but stare.

The blonde doesn't notice, too caught up in watching the end of his finger drag underneath the slightly bubbly water. Michael has a small smile on his lips as he watches Luke fondly. He's just so pretty, Michael can't help it.

Luke glances up and blushes when he sees that Michael is already looking back at him. "What?" He asks, biting his lip gently.

Michael shakes his head, "nothing."

Luke raises an eyebrow and just smiles, but looks back down at the water.

☆*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*☆

"God, this place is so beautiful," Luke says as they crawl underneath the covers. The candles that were once lighting up the room are blown out, the stars can be seen from the outside of the open room, and the quiet sound of cicadas fill the silence. A slight gust of wind sweeps through the room, blowing over Michael and Luke in a comfortable breeze. It's peaceful, and it's nice.

"Mhmm, I don't ever want to leave," Michael agrees, cuddling up into the blankets and resting his head on the pile of pillows on his side of the bed. He sighs in content when he's situated, shutting his eyes.

"I know. I can't wait for tomorrow, I'm really excited to see the rest of this place. Especially the waterfall," Luke smiles, turning onto his side so he's facing Michael.

The enthusiasm in Luke's voice makes Michael smile. He could tell that Luke really didn't want to get married at first, but he has definitely warmed up to the idea ever since they arrived in Zambia. He seems happier, and he was really talkative. During dinner, he couldn't stop smiling while listening to Michael talk. He didn't have much to say about himself, but when it came down to talking about music, it was like Luke was a completely new person.

Luke really likes Michael so far. He thinks that they have been getting along great, nothing is awkward between them like he thought it would be. Michael has been so sweet, and it's only their second day of knowing each other. He can actually see everything going well, even if it's way too early to tell.

Michael doesn't realize that he hadn't answered for a few minutes and when he does, Luke's breathing had begun to grow heavier, and figures they can finish their conversation tomorrow.

"Goodnight," he says quietly, in case Luke had already fallen asleep.

Luke responds with a sleepy hum, rolling into his stomach so he's laying closer to Michael. He falls asleep with a small smile, feeling considerably better about everything.


My aunt did my eyebrows yesterday I feel so blessed

Ugh sorry this is boring but I promise it gets better this is just their first night there and I wanted to split this "episode" into two-three parts anyways so yeh

love you to the moon and back !!

Vanny xx

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