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(Note for this: the 'au' for this part is where the two still communicate, only sometimes which is a far.. now this time they had to have a meeting for a proper communication way)

The Cacao kingdom.. and its king.. the lone king.. He had always been inside the castle never really seen out.. unless for important reasons.. The king, Dark Cacao cookie.. has never really believed for the feeling of "love" he says.. 

The Vanilla kingdom.. and its king.. Pure Vanilla cookie.. he has always been shown as a sign of happiness, peace.. the complete opposite of Dark Cacao cookie.. 

Pure Vanilla's POV:

"Dears! No need to fear them.. They are our friends!" I said as i held of the cake hound to show the young ones, that they mean no harm.. 

"King, Pure Vanilla!" I heard a cookie said as she came running to me.. 

"ah yes.. Something wrong..?" I asked her as i putted down the cake hound i was holding. 

"Your meeting with the cacao kingdom king! For Dark Cacao cookie, remember..?" she said as she brought out a paper that had the schedule. 

"Hm..? Ah right! Thank you very much.. I'll get going now.." 

Now, if i am not mistaken.. this Dark Cacao cookie is oftenly nicknamed as the 'lone king' hm.. kinda sound absurd- i mean i cant say that as i have't met him yet..

Dark Cacao's POV:

Loneliness.. Just myself and the quiet room.. this was just a normal routine for me..

 "My king, I pardon but King Pure Vanilla has arrived" One of the maidens said as she opened the door slightly.. 

Well.. yea.. I really had forgetton about the meeting

"Right.. Uh tell him i'll be there in a minute.." I said as the maiden nodded and went away..

Another day.. Time to get going.. 

Hopefully.. its not that bad.. right..?

Pure Vanilla's POV:

"King Dark Cacao cookie will be here any minute" one of the maidens said as she bowed

"Ah right then.." I said as i waited.. Well it was like 30 minutes or so.. 

As there he was.. Dark Cacao cookie he was coming here.. 

To think of it.. He just had a feeling of sadness..? Yea.. I just think so.. Just think

"Hm! Ah hello there..! You must be dark cacao cookie.. correct? I am Pure Vanilla cookie" 

Dark Cacao just stayed in silence for a minute or so before he replied "Right.. Yes.. I am.."

... Just those words came from him.. Well true, i did help cookies with their problems. But i just felt like his.. His burden was just too much for himself to handle.. Well of course from what i heard about the accident involving his son..

Dark Cacao's POV:

As Pure Vanilla gave a smile to me.. The smile.. it felt warm.. 

No No what i am i thinking..? This is just a meeting..

(Insert after the meeting)

To be honest.. i did not really talk much, as though i felt something different for a while.. another feeling..? Argh.. What is happening to me.. I mean the meeting it finished- i am just here.. 

I was busy with my thoughts that i had forgotten Pure Vanilla was still there, looking at me

"Dark Cacao?" he asked in a tone.. that felt in a concern?

"Hm.. Ah right-.. Uh pleasure for the meeting.. I will be going now-.." I said as i immediately stood up and walked away to the hall.. 

I heard a voice which seemed to be pure vanilla's voice call out to me.. I just ignored it..

I kept on walking and walking.. before suddenly someone grabbed my hand

"Wha- Pure Vanilla..?" I said startled as i looked around to see, pure vanilla-?

"Dark Cacao! Why don't we have a convorsation? I mean.. not a meeting type, like a friend bonding like!" Pure Vanilla said 

I felt.. the weird feeling again.. no no! Snap out of it as i shook my head

"Oh.. uh.. right.. uh..? But your hand.. it-.." I said as Pure Vanilla still held my hand

"Hm? Oh right..! Sorry about that.." Pure Vanilla said as he let go and gave a smile

I.. i just could not help myself but feel.. feel.. a certain liking to him.. 

What is happening with me..-


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