"Outfit exchange!"

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Pure Vanilla's POV:

I was just having a normal conversation with Dark Cacao, before i suddenly had an idea

"Hey, Dark Cacao dear.. Are you bored?" 

"Well... kinda.. why..?" Dark Cacao said as he looked at me

"Hm! I was thinking, how about an outfit exchange! I mean its harmless" I said with a smile 

Dark Cacao went silent for a second before he shook his head 

"Outfit exchange.. Uh.. Sure..? I mean.. it is harmless.." He said as he looked away

(Insert outfit exchanging)

Well.. this is not that bad.. other than the fact that this armour is heavy-

Dark Cacao just seemed kinda uncomfortable?

Dark Cacao's POV:

Hm... its alright..? It just feel kinda uncomfortable than the amour i am wearing..

"Hey~! So.. how is it?" Pure Vanilla said as he looked at me with the face of curiousness

"U-Uh.. it alright..?" 

"Hm! Also, did not knew your armour was this heavy..-" 

"Heavy..? Not at all...?"


I paused for a  moment 

"R-Right sorry.. i just probably got used to it..-" 

"Oh it alright!" Pure Vanilla said as he pulled me into a hug

"Also, you should prob go start wearing other clothes than just your amour-" He remarked as he looked around

"I mean.. Yea hah..?"

"Heh! Oh dear.. how much i love you <3" Pure Vanilla said as he patted my head

Yea.. always been acting affectionate..

"W-Wha.. I.. i love you too.." I said as i stared at the wall blankly 

(E n d

Also question for the day

Does pv even wear pants-

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