''the moon light..''

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((SPECIAL THANKS TO @mushroomfrog18 ))

Pure Vanilla's POV:

Me and Dark cacao were out late at the night, before it started to rain

''Shoot-'' Dark Cacao mumbled as he looked around

''hm? oh don't worry, i got an umbrella!'' I said as i opened the umbrella 

''Thats nice to know-''

''We should go to my kingdom, it is way closer to walk to'' I suggested as Dark Cacao paused and nodded in agreement

((insert some minutes later))

We both started to walk towards the kingdom, which was quite a path since the rain started getting harder-

Dark Cacao seemed to not really mind the fact he was now wet from the rain-

I just looked around, paused, and looked the beautiful moon

''Hm? something wrong Pure Vanilla..?'' Dark Cacao asked noticing i paused 

''Oh nothing.. just the beautiful moon!'' I said as i pointed

''the moon..? well.. i gotta admit it is quite beautiful..'' Dark Cacao said as he looked

Beautiful indeed.. I looked at Dark Cacao, it just feels like.. the perfect time to tell..

Will it?

No.. maybe

hm! i would not know if i will not try

''Dark Cacao Cookie...'' I said

''Yes...?'' He asked as he shook his head and looked at me

''I have a little thing to confess..'' 

''A little thing? eh right then..'' Dark Cacao said as he looked at the moon again

I leaned closer to him, slightly not too close

Dark Cacao's POV:

As i felt Pure Vanilla lean closer to me, i kinda moved away 

''Heh- just spit it out, whats is it-?'' I said as i looked at him

''The moon light is nice.. But you even Nicer.. I love you'' Pure Vanilla said as he stroked my hair 

I froze upon hearing 'i love you'.. from Pure Vanilla? as in from him-?

I looked around, it was just the raining and the moon light..

''I love you very much, Dark Cacao.. I do..'' Pure Vanilla said as he closer to me


''You've always been a great friend of mine.. Dark Cacao..

''I- Pure Vanilla

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''I- Pure Vanilla.. I love you too..?'' I said directly without second thoughts

''... Glad you do..'' Pure Vanilla said as he leaned even closer to my face 

''Oh sometimes i forget you get flustered easily~'' He said with a smile

''Wha- you know what shut up and lets just get going..'' I said as i shook my head

''hm? oh right then!'' Pure Vanilla said as he just grabbed my hand and headed to the kingdom 

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