''its a good day to take a walk-''

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Pure Vanilla's POV:
hmm.. Dark Cacao.. has been acting quite strange lately.. maybe i should go check on him..?
''hey.. Dark Cacao.. Dear..?'' I said silently as i knocked his room 
No reply from him.. i just heard some mutters..
''Somethings wrong..?'' I said as i knocked again
''Nothing.. Just go away..'' He said.. the tone he said was just seemed to be sadness..?
''... Dark Cacao..?'' I said as i opened slightly the door, well yea.. i technically ignored what he said but i knew something was wrong.. 

He pushed the door back as i tried to open it again
''Dark Cacao.. Please..?'' 
As after a while he let me open the door.. 
He was there at the corner, his sword was beside him while his crown was seemingly thrown across the room-..
''Hey.. I am here.. Whats wrong..?'' I asked as i sat beside him 
''Just.. Remembering somethings..'' He said as he looked away
Somethings..? oh.. must be that..

Dark Cacao's POV:
Well.. I just stayed silent.. sure i could just tell him.. though i am not really used to telling my burdens to others.. 
'"Heavy burden.. isn't it?'' Pure  Vanilla said as he looked at me
Heavy burden..? yes.. actually i thought as i nodded slightly 
''Hey.. maybe you should take a walk.. it freshens the mind!'' Pure Vanilla said
''... Maybe..?'' I said as i thought of it before Pure Vanilla grabbed my hand and headed outside to the local garden 

((insert taking a walk))

''Well.. actually your right..'' I said as i looked around
''hm!'' Pure Vanilla just gave a smile before it turning into a mischievous smile 
oh that look-..
''Why are you looking at me like that-..'' I said obviously knowing he was gonna do something
''its a good day to take a walk~!'' Pure Vanilla said as he carried me immediately(bride style cause yes) to annoy me-
''it is~!''


and was mix of angst and fluff-


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